Yearly Archives: 2012

Ushahidi – Revolutionizing Disaster Relief

By MollyJust “We believe that the number of deaths being reported by the government, police, and media is grossly under reported. We also don’t think we have a true picture of what is really going on – reports that all have us have heard from family and friends in affected areas suggests that things areRead… Read more »

Organizational Change Management – Now More Than Ever

This is a repost of a blog on the topic of Organizational Change Management in the Future featured on the Perspectives site. The global exchange of ideas and data is no longer limited by borders, time, distance or language. In becoming a Smarter Planet, we hope to change the paradigm from reacting to changeRead… Read more »

Belkin Smart Card Reader Achieves FIPS 201 Certification

Federal Security Standard Assures Iron-clad Security and Reliability for Government Organizations Belkin Enterprise, a trusted leader of customer-driven computing solutions for office, IT infrastructure and mobile environments, today announced that its USB Smart Card and Common Access Card (CAC) Reader is now FIPS 201 (Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 201) compliant and is listed onRead… Read more »

Taking the Deep Dive – Exploring Our Oceans with GIS

An image from Esri’s Ocean Initiative – which allows scientist to explore the mysteries of the oceans Story Highlights Esri announces their Oceans Initiative, which uses GIS to help scientist learn about the oceans Be sure to view GovLoop’s GIS Report: Exploring the Promise of GIS for Government GovLoop launches interactive GIS infographic exploring howRead… Read more »

Are organisations failing in their use of social media and apps as customer service channels?

Guy Cranswick of IBRS has brought my attention to a media release about a new report from Fifth Quadrant, a leading Australian customer experience strategy and research consultancy, on social media and smartphone app customer service enquiries. The report looked at how many Australian consumers had used these channels for customer service enquiries and whyRead… Read more »

How NOAA Used Social Media to be One Step Ahead of Sandy recently hosted a webinar on social media tools and Sandy. During the lead up, storm, and aftermath, NOAA had you covered. Personally, I was googling the storm as it happened, but looking back I should’ve just logged onto NWS’s facebook page. NWS tweeted and facebooked there way through preparedness with the country. They madeRead… Read more »

For Campaign Offices Closing Shop, Where Does the Big Data Go?

Now that the 2012 election has come to an end, doors are closing for thousands of temporary campaign offices across the country. As campaigns have continued to collect more detailed and sophisticated voter information, these temporary offices have become more technologically advanced. With offices from national to state and local campaigns all shutting their doors,Read… Read more »

Facebook and the Gov Team Up for Jobs – Plus DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Security, mobility and usability are the cornerstones of Microsoft’s latest operating system – Microsoft 8. So the question is should your agency make the switch? Click here for the full recap. Now that the 2012 election has come to an end, doors are closing for thousands of temporary campaign offices acrossRead… Read more »

Is Desktop To Go a Reality? Microsoft 8 Says Yes

Security, mobility and usability are the cornerstones of Microsoft’s latest operating system – Microsoft 8. So the question is should your agency make the switch? Susie Adams is the Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft Federal. She told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that the big pull for agencies to switch to Microsoft 8 isRead… Read more »