Yearly Archives: 2012

Internal Communications 2.0

******Originally posted at GovDelivery’s Reach the Public blog– ********* There has been a lot of discussion about using new media to coordinate with citizens. Additionally, there continues to be more focus on improving collaboration inside agencies. However, one piece I often see missing is utilizing new media to improve internal communications. Why is this important?Read… Read more »

Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator at – The answer is at the very bottom: —————————— Which of the following diagramming techniques is a typical display of Sensitivity Analysis? A.) Influence DiagramB.) Network DiagramC.) Fishbone DiagramD.) Tornado Diagram ——————————Hint: It compares relative importance and impact ofRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Rally Extremes

Stocks rose sharply last Monday, heading right up to the 2011 S&P 500 highs, and spent the rest of the week dancing above and below that breakout level. The economic data was fair to good and the price of oil has been able to remain below $110 a barrel. For the TSP, the C-fund gainedRead… Read more »

Code for America on the TED stage

This week I did something I never thought I would do: I gave a talk at TED. I’ve given several TEDx talks now, but TED in Long Beach has been the stage of such world-changing talks as Sir Ken Robinson’s indictment of traditional education and Jill Bolte Taylor’s insights from her stroke, and I tookRead… Read more »

The Person behind the Person

They have many titles [Chief of Staff, Sergeant Major, Senior Adviser, Policy Counselor, Special Assistant, Confidential Assistant/Adviser etc.] but one thing in common. They extend the eyes, ears and managerial control of a decision maker while having little, if any positional authority of their own. Project/program managers need to understand the role of these individualsRead… Read more »

This Week in Computer Security

Anonymous Arrests, NASA hacks, and more this week Linode Hacked, Bitcoins Stolen:, popular provider of virtual private servers (VPS) systems responded to a morning breach of it’s control panel software, which apparently enabled a malicious attacker to gain control over several virtual servers of a bitcoin service named Bitcoinica. The Register has a conflictingRead… Read more »

Citizens as a Platform for Civic Improvement

Recently the New York City Council passed what some open government advocates see as a “landmark” bill to increase government transparency and citizen access to machine readable data sets. While this legislation is definitely a welcomed triumph for the Gov 2.0 movement and a positive example for “closed” or “inert governments everywhere, should transparency legislationRead… Read more »

My TEDxBigApple Talk [Video]

Here is the talk I gave at TEDxBigApple a few weeks ago, The Disruptive Future of Cities. I had a great time giving this talk. Would love to do more like this one. Give it a watch and let me know what you think. Tweet Original post