Yearly Archives: 2012

Support the SMAC! Crusade Against Cancer

The following is the launch post of my friend and digital colleague, Jennifer Windrum. This campaign and story really hits home for me for a number of reasons and the way she has gone about creating a solution dedicated to her mother (who was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer) and others moves me beyondRead… Read more »

The 2012 Election Results: Four Implications for Federal Personnel

By Ken Gold, Director of the Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University President Obama’s reelection means that a major assault on federal pay and benefits, which many feared would be a part of a Romney-Ryan administration, will not occur. Nevertheless, there will continue to be long-term pressures to reduce federal spending, and agency budgets andRead… Read more »

Air Force Case Study: Cost Savings from Modernizing Technology

Everywhere you look technology has been implemented to help government agencies cut costs and improve efficiencies. At all levels of government, agencies are working to cut and streamline services. Amidst a staggering economy, agencies are continually pressed to meet increasing demands from citizens, while funding resources becomes increasingly scarce. Ultimately, many agencies have looked towardsRead… Read more »

Emotional Intelligence

Great article by New York Times columnist David Brooks on the importance of emotional intelligence to career success, and where it comes from. Original post

Featured Catalyst Awards Proposal: Building Physical Infrastructure with Civic Infrastructure

NCDD’s Catalyst Awards process is in full swing, with 13 projects posted so far up at Feel free to ask questions, share your reactions, and offer support here as well as at CivicEvolution! Building Physical Infrastructure with Civic Infrastructure Proposed by: Jack Harris Project home: Q. Jack – tell us a little aboutRead… Read more »

Construction and the Cloud

It’s been suggested in the past the construction industry is slower to adopt new technology than many other industries, and there’s some truth in that. Part of the problem lies in the sheer number of sectors within the industry, from architects and designers to heavy machinery providers and construction crews. Getting everyone involved to adoptRead… Read more »