Yearly Archives: 2012

Commentary: How would we respond to another terrorist attack? How would America respond to another terrorist attack on its soil? We never thought very much about that before 9/11, back when the subject of terrorism only came up in discussions about other countries. The topic is still one we avoid, but it’s not too soon to consider it, because U.S. government officials haveRead… Read more »

Top 4 Aspects of Improving Efficiency in the Cloud

This morning I attended the Improving Efficiency in the Cloud GovLoop roundtable sponsored by Oracle. Cloud technology has been one of the hot topics in government for the past several months. As government is challenged by the dire budget situation and fiscal uncertainty, agencies are tasked to be more innovative to meet mission critical initiatives.Read… Read more »

Someone unfollowed me?! But why?! #Twitter

Welcome to Twitter Following you: 425… Refresh 427… “Yes!” Refresh 419… “Wait what? Who unfollowed me and why?!” It happens, many times it’s just bots coming and going, but occasionally something distasteful or obnoxious was posted; other times it’s just because of consecutive uninteresting posts. So what’s driven you to click the unfollow button forRead… Read more »

Act of Valor: Combining Real-Life Heroism and Cutting Edge Technology

At HP, we’re committed to providing premier technology that helps in the management of the forces protecting our nation. In addition to the real-life work we’re doing with the U.S. military and federal government, HP products are also helping to bring the stories of the battlefield to life on the big screen in movies likeRead… Read more »

Job Oportunities for Federal Retirees Abound

Numerous job opportunities are available for federal retirees in all occupations and skills. Retirees enjoy working full or part time for many reasons; social, financial, and to stay active. Others with specialized skills, or security clearances will find lucrative consulting and temp jobs awaiting them if they know where to look. If you are collectingRead… Read more »

RTI launches real-time SOA platform for critical infrastructure

In order to streamline costs and improve performance, more state and local governments are looking at smart grid technology. In order to meet that demand, companies are adapting enterprise technology to provide real-time monitoring for infrastructure systems. Real-Time Innovations (RTI) has launched RTI Connext™ a real-time Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) platform that can be usedRead… Read more »

Government and Military Officials Will Soon Receive Classified Materials on Smartphones

Reports have surfaced this month indicating that government officials will soon be able to receive classified materials through smartphones. The phones will operate using a specially designed version of Android software, which is being developed alongside Google as part of a multi-agency project that contractors have been hearing rumors of for the past year. TheRead… Read more »

In This Case: Frame of Reference

Frames displayed in the Luce Foundation Center What’s in a frame? More than a painting, as I discovered after talking to Martin Kotler, frames conservator for the American Art Museum. While standing in front of the newly-installed frames case in the Luce Foundation Center, Martin explained that frames can be hand-carved, cast using additive material,Read… Read more »