Yearly Archives: 2012

Good Deeds from Your Parents

Looking back on my childhood, I was so blessed. I had a strong mother and grandmother who taught me to LOVE GOD. The importance of education was something that my mother stressed over and over again. My mother taught me to be humble, but don’t take the back seat to no one. I worked hardRead… Read more »

What Skills Does A Good Project Team Member Need?

There are many training options for training project managers, but you don’t often see a similar effort on training project team members. Project team members are usually subject matter experts and the prevailing belief is that the subject matter expertise is all that is required to be a good project team member. Based on myRead… Read more »

Government, Go Mobile in 2012. Do It Right

By: Andreas Muno Over the next few weeks, this blog series will explore the reason why government should go mobile, and identify strategies that have been successful. But first let’s discuss the state of government mobility. So, what are government organizations already doing? In the US for example, many federal, state and local agencies alreadyRead… Read more »

Microsoft Hosts Public Sector CIO Summit

Mark Drapeau (Redmond, WA) — This week at Microsoft’s main campus in Redmond, WA (just outside Seattle), the company will host chief information officers and other IT professionals from the federal government, state and local governments, and the education and health communities. The event is called the U.S. Public Sector CIO Summit. For two daysRead… Read more »

Look for the Australian premier screening of Twittamentary at GovCamp QLD

A few weeks ago I became aware of a very interesting documentary project, Twittamentary, a movie that explores the intersection and interplay of peoples’ lives on Twitter. Directed by Singaporean filmmaker and Tweeter, Tan Siok Siok, the documentary takes a grass roots approach, looking at how Twitter has connected, affected and influenced individuals across America.Read… Read more »

Utilizing Integrity Officers To Address Ethical Concerns

Thirty-five City of Philadelphia employees volunteer as Integrity Officers serving as an ethics resource for fellow employees and to assist with ethics investigations. Every city department has such an officer, and anyone who has information on illegal or inappropriate behavior can turn to them. According to Philadelphia Inspector General Amy Kurland the Integrity Officers “…Read… Read more »

Workplace socialisation in the Public Service

In the course of examining data from the current Australian Public ServiceState of the Service of the Service Report the previous report. It contains an interesting chart showing employee satisfaction or engagement by length of service in the APS (see at the end of this post). What is interesting is the reduction in engagement overRead… Read more »