Yearly Archives: 2012

Austerity and Innovation: (For/N)ever the Two Shall Meet?

In a recent GovernmentExecutive – Management Matters article, Jeffrey Neal makes a simple (in theory) yet revolutionary (in practice) argument: in this time budget restrictions and making more happen with less resources, leaders are in a perfect position to create innovation in their agencies. On all levels, innovative thinking can create major cost savings: fromRead… Read more »

Moving along the road to recovery: A glance at Pennsylvania’s FY 2013 budget

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. With a focus on turning the “road to recovery into the path to prosperity,” Pennsylvania Governor Tim Corbett introduced his proposed FY 2013 budget on February 7. Continuing efforts to decrease spending, this year’s budget cuts $20 million in general funding compared to FY 2012. Core objectives of this year’sRead… Read more »

Using Technology Infrastructure to Solve Public Sector Challenges: Microsoft Blog Series

Microsoft is just wrapping up a blog series across all their public sector verticals. With the blog series, Microsoft is hoping to inspire visionary and transfomative ideas across the public sector. Microsoft stated: Our goal with this series is to create inspiration across public sector with visionary ideas, fueled by technology. We aim to encourageRead… Read more »

asapm PPM Symposium, March 5 in Arlington, to focus on “Delivering the Promise”

From a Press Release issued today: February 22, 2012 – COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO – asapm President Stacy Goff noted today, in comments to DC area Federal Government agencies and contractors, that “competent and performing program and project managers (PPM) must be part of the solution to today’s economic challenges and budget cutbacks. Whether the needRead… Read more »

NIST to build cybersecurity research center in Maryland

The state of Maryland and the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) have announced a partnership that will create a cybersecurity monitoring center in Maryland. The center will focus on cybersecurity research with support from both the public and private sectors. The new center will be called the National Cyber Security Center of ExcellenceRead… Read more »

ESRI Federal User Conference Recap: Plenary Session

This morning I attended the Plenary Session of the ESRI Federal User Conference. The Plenary Session had a great presentation by ESRI President Jack Dangermond and Department of the Interior Deputy Secretary David J. Hayes. Jack’s presentation focused on providing an overview of ESRI and presented a vision of future implications for ESRI and GISRead… Read more »

Protest Erupts After Koran Burning

Thousands of angry protesters gathered outside Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield recently, chanting “Death to America,” firing slingshots, and hurling firebombs at the NATO base in the wake of reports that soldiers had burned a copy of the Koran. The commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) acknowledged that personnel at the base had “improperly disposedRead… Read more »