Yearly Archives: 2012

Toughest Moments: Dealing with Being Accused

“Dave, you’re going to want to see this.” C.P. handed me a single white piece of paper. On it were three short paragraphs. No signature. “What’s this?” I asked. “It’s not good.” said C.P. Less than a minute later, I handed it back to C.P. “I’m not worried about it. There’s no credibility in thisRead… Read more »

The Surveillance State – No Warrant Required

Yesterday a number of police organizations came out in support of bill C-30 – the online online surveillance bill proposed by Minister Vic Toews. You can read the Vancouver Police Department’s full press release here – I’m referencing theirs not because it is particularly good or bad, but simply because it is my home town.Read… Read more »

NC Telehealth Network connects first non-profit hospital

The North Carolina Telehealth Network (NCTN) has connected its first non-profit hospital. The Vidant Medical Center in Greenville, NC will be connected to the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN) thanks to completion of the first phase of the state’s Golden Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. Vidant Medical Center is part of Vidant Health,Read… Read more »

Best Practices for Surveillance, Monitoring and Incentives In Contract Administration

Acquisitions is an extremely complex area of government. The regulations that dictate acquisitions requirements, FAR, is well over 1,000 pages of regulations. The pure length of this document is impressive, equally impressive is the complexity of FAR. Understanding how FAR operates and impacts the acquisition process is one of the many challenges facing acquisition professionals.Read… Read more »

Free Speech Debate

For those interested in multi-lingual online dialogue, check out Free Speech Debate, a new project led by Timothy Garton Ash, Professor of European Studies at Oxford University. The one-pager explains the project in-depth. In short, the site hosts editorially-led discussions on the topic of freedom of speech in today’s networked world. The site invites participantsRead… Read more »

High tech police gadgets to fight crime

Would you have a problem with a police van being parked in your neighborhood? This same armored vehicle has large red letters painted on the side that state, “Warning: You are under video surveillance.” The front bumper taunts, “Whatcha gonna do when we come for you?” This is the “The Peacemaker,” the Fort Lauderdale PoliceRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing Breakfast and the Future of Federal IT

As agencies look for ways to cut costs and consolidate IT systems, the government’s move to a secure cloud computing environment is accelerating. The Coalition for Government Procurement is proud to announce an additional speaker to join our Cloud Computing Breakfast event on February 28th, 2012. Mark Day, Director of GSA’s Office of Strategic ProgramsRead… Read more »

I’m teaching a free social media strategy workshop for government folks in DC

Hi everyone. Unfortunately, this is only for folks in DC, as this will be an in-person workshop. I’m looking at how I could do this kind of in-depth, highly participatory workshop online, though. If you register, please comment below so I know who’s coming. 🙂 Class description and registration page on Web Manager University Format:Read… Read more »

Green Your Commute with This New App

Have you ever found yourself driving to work, constantly hitting red lights? Do you often slow down, to almost a complete stop, only to have the light turn green – and your fuel efficiency plunge? If so, read on. Stop-and-go driving (and the fuel-wasting that goes with it) has been tormenting commuters for as longRead… Read more »

New Feature: Kathleen’s Reading Summary

Reading is fundamental and we are all bombarded with email newsletters, RSS feeds and the ever present forwarded email from a colleague or, worse, a supervisor. Yet, if we don’t look at new sources of information from time to time, I believe we will not learn anything new and may get stuck within our sameRead… Read more »