Yearly Archives: 2012

Sunlight Foundation: President's Budget Proposes Senate Efiling

Via this tweet, we just discovered that the President’s budget proposes that the Senate should be required to electronically file their campaign finance reports. In this document, you can find the following section: The Budget proposes that Senate Campaign Committees berequired to file campaign finance reports electronically with the Federal Election Commission, in keeping withRead… Read more »

The “Government” Network

By Heidi Sheppard On a typical INEAP meeting day I might hear a conversation among representatives from the Economic Development Administration (EDA), the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discussing cluster development initiatives and how to work together. In another corner, the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of CommerceRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Electronic Government Fund Would Grow Slightly Under President's Plan

Important government transparency programs would receive a small boost if the President’s proposed budget for FY 2013 were enacted. The Electronic Government Fund, which supports, the IT Spending Dashboard, and, among other programs, would increase by $4.2 million in FY 2013, from $12.4 million in FY 2013 to $16.665 million in FY 2013.Read… Read more »

The perils of legislating channels (and the issue of website filters)

The Australian Parliament House recently released their new website – a major step-up from the previous site. However in reading an article about it on ZDNet I discovered that the APH had, in the process, decided to block an entire top-level domain (.info) from view by the Parliament and the thousands of people working atRead… Read more »

Celebrating Valentine’s Day in the Workplace

On Valentine’s Day most people express their love and appreciation for family and friends. Yet so often those individuals who we spend the majority of our time with, our coworkers and employees, go unrecognized on this “intimate” holiday. My personal belief is that Valentine’s Day also provides an opportunity to express your appreciation, support andRead… Read more »

NEW DATE: February Research in Progress Lunch

Dear All, Please note that the research in progress (RIP) lunch (initially scheduled for tomorrow) has now been rescheduled to 22nd February. Apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you! ** Dear All, Please join us at 12pm for the Research in Progress (RIP) Lunchtime discussion on Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012! Presentation topic: “Translating from DrawingRead… Read more »

What Would You Give Up in order to Telecommute?

A recent study done by TeamViewer, shared that “5% of Americans would divorce their spouse if they could telecommute instead”. Others were willing to give up showers, chocolate, pay raises and vacation days. What would you be willing to give up if you could telecommute?

Sunlight Foundation: 2Day in #OpenGov 2/14/2012

Policy Fellow Matt Rumsey wrote this post. Here is Tuesday’s take on transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: Campaign Finance Most Republican presidential candidates have declined to disclose the identities of their bundlers. (Yahoo/AP) At least four Cabinet secretaries have signaled their willingness to participateRead… Read more »