Yearly Archives: 2012

Efficient Construction Project Delivery = Transparency, Accuracy, Collaboration, Common Definitions/Terms, and Process … Supported by Technology

BIM and the Cloud BIM for FM Integrated Order Contracting – JOC, IPD …. A Comparison of Construction Cost Estimating Tools / Software Dynamic vs. Static Costs JOC (Job Order Contracting) Blue Paper 4Clicks.JOC.BluePaper_FINALCopyV2_04.05.2010.pdf Cost Estimating Tools.pdf BIMF – A BIM Framework Dynamic vs. Statics Costs

Happy Valentine’s Day NCDD!

I hope our readers will forgive a personal note, but I wanted to send my thanks out to Barbara Chappell, principal consultant at Simply Speaking Seanachai, an Australian consultancy “dedicated to improving relationships between, people, communities and decision makers”. In a recent message to her mailing list, she said some really nice things about NCDD’sRead… Read more »

Integrate Continuous Improvement Into Your Organization’s Culture And Daily Activities

A continuous organization improvement program can be easily implemented and be very beneficial using minimal organization resources. It’s very important that you establish a continuous improvement program; not assume that improvement suggestions and efforts will appear without encouragement by management. And it should be become inherent in your culture and day-to-day work activities throughout youRead… Read more »

Open for Business: Leveraging Open Government to Improve Agency Operations, Part 2

This is the second post in a three part series about the newly released Open Text report, Open For Business: Leveraging Open Government to Improve Agency Operations. I’d encourage you to check out the newly released open government analyst briefing by the Government Business Council, the research arm of Government Executive magazine, and OpenText. TheRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Thinking outside the Box & Inside the Blog

Here in Govloop – and in the world of recruitment – we talk lot about rocking your résumé and writing creative cover letters. With good reason, because these are essential elements needed to grab the attention of potential employers. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. However, I came across an article that reminded meRead… Read more »

Middle of the Project Blues: Why You Need to Use Earned Value Management and the Work Breakdown Structure

For those of you who have tackled a home improvement project, you will come to a point where semi-assembled parts are scattered all around you. This is usually when someone comments on how it looks like you will never finish what you started. With some of the more complex projects, even you doubt that youRead… Read more »

Valentine’s Day political law links

HOUSE TRAVEL RULES IN THE NEWS. Roll Call. “Travel disclosure reports filed with the House Ethics Committee show that participants used an exemption that permits additional travel time to far-off locations and paid their own hotel bills for an extra day or two, allowing them to spend several days in Vegas and still accept round-tripRead… Read more »

Six Ways Politicians Can Use Pinterest

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — If you were living in a cave during the last quarter of 2011, you may have missed out on hearing about Pinterest – the hottest new social platform to hit the tech scene in some time. Judged by leading tech blog TechCrunch as the best new startup of 2011, PinterestRead… Read more »

Hyperlinks in DFARS Prescriptions

This is an relatively easy task that will save time for DoD’s tens of thousands of contracting officers and contract specialists — place hyperlinks in all DFARS clauses to the prescriptions. Some have hyperlinks, some don’t. While this doesn’t have a huge impact for a single person picking out clauses, scale it into thousands ofRead… Read more »

Government Checkbook 2.0

The office of the New York City Comptroller has a great web site that provides a comprehensive look, updated daily, at nearly every check issued by the city. The current Comptroller web site is being updated to provide detailed information about the contracts related to each individual payment, city vendors and the contracts they’re workingRead… Read more »