Yearly Archives: 2012

Understanding Continuing Resolutions and Government Shutdowns

Chicken Little squawked about the sky falling. Pundits warn about the Fiscal Cliff. But federal agencies nearly every year hold up the sky while walking on the edge of a cliff. This is the world of Continuing Resolutions and Government Shutdowns. In only four cases since 1975 has Congress passed all appropriation bills before theRead… Read more »

Learning From Students

The Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland held ‘mock interviews’ and I had the honor of being an interviewer. The students came eager to learn from this role-playing exercise. The ‘interviewers’ are seasoned individuals – most are Smith School Alumni – and well experienced in hiring superior candidates. My ‘interviews’ found theRead… Read more »

Why Every Person Should Want Electronic Health Records.

By MollyJust The benefits of electronic health records are not just for providers. Although healthcare providers are making progress in adopting health IT, Americans surprisingly seem less than enthusiastic about the change. According to a study of 2,147 adults conducted by Harris Interactive in May 2012, only 26% of Americans want their medical records toRead… Read more »

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Project Manager of the Year

Is an inspiration. In 1975, Viet Nguyen was a young Vietnamese refugee. Now he is the USACE Project Manager of the Year for 2012. As reported by Jasmine Chopra-Delgadillo, it’s an amazing American story. Please read Jasmine’s excellent write-up. Right now, Viet is serving in Afghanistan managing several major construction projects. One of several projectsRead… Read more »

Hire a veteran improve your organization.

This guy is still a leader once he puts on a suit. Veterans day got started as Armstice day the end of World War I. This occurred on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 and was celebrated on in 1919 for the first time. However, the day didn’tRead… Read more »

Calling the Presidential Election: Reforms to Polling Processes

By Eric Rabe, Fels Sr. Advisor By 11:16 election night, President Obama called it. He happily tweeted “Four more years” and sent along a celebratory photo. Yet it was another two hours before Mitt Romney conceded and the end-of-the-campaign speeches were finally over. Romney’s polls were showing Ohio and Florida, two critical states, still couldRead… Read more »

A Path to Insights and Improved Decision Making: Predictive Analytics

Post Highlights GovLoop releases report, A Path to Insights and Improved Decision Making: Predictive Analytics Report highlights some of the potential for predictive analytics for the public sector Nathan Greenhut of IBM shares his insights and expertise in the report Today, government is challenged like never before. In an era of budget cuts, increasing demandsRead… Read more »