Yearly Archives: 2012

WE ACT for Environmental Justice Seeks to Fill FederalPolicy Analyst Position in Wash DC Office

From the Community-Campus Partnerships for Health listserve: “This year WE ACT for Environmental Justice ( will be opening a new office in Washington, DC. The purpose of the DC office will be to develop strategic, unified, and sustained advocacy to achieve equity in federal policy and practice by influencing federal legislative and non-legislative agency actions,Read… Read more »

Call for Papers: The 40th Research Conf on Comm, Information and Internet Policy

From TPRC: “The 40th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy Friday September 21 to Sunday September 23, 2012. Hosted by George Mason University School of Law, Arlington, VA TPRC is an annual conference on communication, information and internet policy that convenes international and interdisciplinary researchers and policymakers from academia, industry, government, and nonprofitRead… Read more »

Call for Papers: Sixth Annual Student Research Conference

From Virginia Commonwealth University’s Political Science Department: “Call for paper and panel proposals L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, VCU Sixth Annual Student Research Conference Thursday, April 5, 2012 VCU Student Commons Undergraduate and junior graduate students are invited to submit proposals to present completed research papers/projects, research-in-progress, or roundtable discussions onRead… Read more »

What Have I Done for You Lately?

With customers and relationships the question is: what had you done for me lately? Good customers are approached often by other providers or discover interesting offerings on the internet. Good relationships are fouled by lack of attention. Thus the spoken or implied questions about what’s recent. I heard a story about an individual who hiredRead… Read more »

Have a drink with Vivek Kundra in Canberra

Vivek Kundra, former CIO of the US government, is in Australia next week and thanks to the efforts of Pia Waugh there’s an opportunity for public servants and others working in Gov 2.0 there’s an opportunity to meet him. For full details, see Pia’s post on the Gov 2.0 Google Group. Of course, if youRead… Read more »

Share your public service war stories online anonymously

Everyone has war stories, observations and experiences working in or dealing with government agencies or departments. These aren’t necessarily whinges or complaints, they may be positive or learning experiences, or examples of where small changes could lead to large productivity gains. Previously there was’t really any way to share these stories, except by speaking withRead… Read more »

Trends on Tuesday: App Economy

Apps development is becoming an economic force. According to a new study published by TechNet, an industry group, mobile app development is creating jobs. The study found that there were about 466,000 jobs in the “App Economy” in the United States, up from zero in 2007. Top U.S. Metro Areas With Highest Percentage of AppRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Budget Cuts Alter National Defense Strategy

For nearly a century, the United States national defense strategy was to have the capabilities to participate in two wars at once, as well as a large military. With budget cuts very much a reality for the Department of Defense, the US is adopting a new strategy. The military will be leaner, meaner, and smaller.Read… Read more »

How Do you Feel About Sneaky? Lawmakers Lob Scud Two

Last night, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved to modify the federal pension system that would increase the amount government employees contribute to their pensions. Quietly tucked away into the 2012 American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act (aka: The Highway Bill), this stand-alone legislation (H.R. 3813 as incorporated into H.R. 7), would requireRead… Read more »