Yearly Archives: 2012

NSF releases Cloud Computing Report

NSF’s guidance on Cloud Computing will inform research dollars in the near future The National Science Foundation released their report on cloud computing. It can be found here. The intent of this report is to provide information that guides funding programs. The NSF used NIST’s guidance on cloud computing to inform their research and decisionRead… Read more »

Art Business and Social Media in Loudoun County, VA

Yesterday’s Loudoun Economic Development Commission meeting was full of interesting items relating to the business of promoting, revitalizing and expanding Loudoun County’s economic base – including recent “Beta” launch of the New Department of Economic Development Brand and Website (try it out, provide feedback!), plus an announcement by the Chamber of their new “Rail toRead… Read more »

The rising price of health care costs – Round 1

Deltek Analyst Kate Tussey reports. As Deltek combs through this year’s budget documents, it would be hard not to write an analysis on one of the biggest budget line items for every state: health care costs centered around Medicaid spending. Health care reform is one of the hottest topics of recent years, and will continueRead… Read more »

Exploring Relational Practices in Peacebuilding, Mediation, and Conflict Transformation

The Taos Institute invites you to attend its 2012 conference, “Exploring Relational Practices in Peacebuilding, Mediation and Conflict Transformation: From the Intimate to the International – a Taos Institute Conference.” The conference will take place in San Diego, California at the Bahia Resort and Conference Center, Mission Bay, November 14-18, 2012. Practitioners, academics and communityRead… Read more »

Help Wanted: Government Efficiency Expert

The City of Philadelphia wants to hire an efficiency expert. The Nutter administration issued a request for proposals soliciting qualified firms to submit credentials to become an “Overhead Cost and Revenue Collection Consultant” to deal with multiple city agencies. News reports: “On the cost side, the city is looking for an outside analysis ofRead… Read more »

Clause Logic Should Be Awesome

I’ve never heard a contract specialist say, “FARSite Clause Logic is awesome”. But they should be saying that. It has the potential to save a hundred of hour per year for each contract specialist (of which there are tens of thousands). Unfortunately, I don’t know anybody that uses it. I know I don’t use it.Read… Read more »