Yearly Archives: 2012

Political law links for 2/7

BUNDLERS IN THE NEWS. The Times. “Two American brothers of a Mexican casino magnate who fled drug and fraud charges in the United States and has been seeking a pardon enabling him to return have emerged as major fund-raisers and donors for President Obama’s re-election campaign.” More here. STOCK ACT PROVISIONS EXAMINED. Covington’s look atRead… Read more »

Appalachian Food & Agriculture Summit 2012

From AFAS: “Appalachian Food & Agriculture Summit 2012 Common Roots, Common Goals March 23-25 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA What is it? The inaugural Appalachian Food and Agriculture Summit 2012: Common Roots, Common Goals will provide opportunities for connection, education, discourse, and hands on experience focused on engaging in a healthy food system. Through workshops, FOOD,Read… Read more »

Should Government Contractors Be Banned From Making Political Contributions?

Legislation banning government contractors from making political contributions to government officials often called “Pay to Play” exists in eleven states. Three cities in New Jersey: Newark, Jersey City, and Hoboken also have enacted legislation prohibiting Pay to Play. Companies and individuals that conduct business with cities and counties often provide the lion’s share of campaignRead… Read more »

Newspapers and the internet; the lessons we share

Http://leonardSipes.Com The Story So Far, What We Know About the Business of Digital Journalism from the Columbia Journalism School may be the most insightful social media document of all time. The essence is the media’s attempt to master internet and social media based strategies “and” turn a profit at the same time. But the lessonsRead… Read more »

Internship with Northern Virginia Emergency Response System

From the Northern Virginia Emergency Response System: “Seeking part time graduate intern for Northern Virginia Emergency Response System (NVERS) The Northern Virginia Emergency Response System (NVERS) is seeking to fill a part-time paid graduate intern position. The NVERS team supports emergency preparedness projects that include, but are not limited to: coordinating training, policies, and processesRead… Read more »

PCORI Hosts National Patient and Stakeholder Dialogue

From the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute: “The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) will hold a National Patient and Stakeholder Dialogue on February 27, 2012. We will present PCORI’s Draft National Priorities and Research Agenda and welcome three-and-a-half hours of public comment by individuals attending in person and by phone. In addition, there will be twoRead… Read more »

Commemorating African American Achievements in Houston

February’s Black History Week was established by historian Carter Woodson in 1926 to recognize the achievements of African Americans. Fifty years later under President Ford’s leadership, the week was expanded to a month now also known as National African American History Month. A history of African American achievements in Houston is beyond the scope ofRead… Read more »

Disaster Recovery Anyone?

Is there anyone at the state government level who is involved with disaster recovery implementation and testing? I’d be especially interesting in hearing from people in DHSS. Here’s the deal in a nutshell. Delaware Health & Social Services (and more broadly, Delaware state government in general) contracts with a private company to help us withRead… Read more »

Don’t Mess with My Outlook!

People hate change – it’s hard-wired into our lizard brains. Change is unpredictable, potentially life threatening. Which explains why you’re afraid to try Google Apps. You’ve spent years getting to know Outlook. GMail might kill you! Okay, so the whole life preservation thing may be a little out of proportion. But still, you like Outlook?Read… Read more »