Yearly Archives: 2012

Natural remedies for your office

This post is cross-posted at As part of my efforts to create a healthier work place, I do a lot to promote lifestyles and work ethics that are in tune with our bodies’ natural needs. An important part of this involves the use of natural remedies for various ailments. Natural remedies are great whenRead… Read more »

5 Social Media Personalities that Drive Me Crazy

I love being social on social media sites. From Facebook to Twitter, Govloop or LinkedIn, I enjoy staying in touch and reading about happenings in the world. However, recently I have noticed a few personalities emerge that make this experience less enjoyable. Do you know who I mean? Those people who you can almost anticipateRead… Read more »

3 Lessons from UK’s Government Digital Strategy – 100k, Marketing, Libraries

The U.K just launched their Government Digital Strategy with 11 principles and 14 activities encompassing their approach to moving government into a digital first world. Andrea DiMaio just wrote a good recap on the pros/cons of the strategy and I wanted to highlight a couple of my favorite items and what they mean for otherRead… Read more »

Measuring Success

By Susit Dhakal, Associate Consultant One of the projects I am working on this semester involves analyzing metrics that measure the success of programs which provide educational grants for women. As I started reaching out to various not-for-profit organizations to figure out how they measure the impact of their programs, I soon realized the challengesRead… Read more »

Project Managers in the GovLoop Community Offer You Their Advice

Last week, I posted about the Top 5 Challenges for Project Managers. It summarized some of the findings of a survey GovLoop conducted in October. In addition to sharing their challenges, our community’s Project Managers shared some advice for other government Project Managers on what makes projects run smoothly. We grouped the responses into threeRead… Read more »

How to Submit a Winning Blue Pencil/Gold Screen Entry Teleconference Nov. 14

Be recognized! Enter your best work in the National Association of Government Communicator’s 2013 Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Competition. This annual international awards program recognizes superior government communication products and those who produce them. Complete details and entry forms are available at Don’t Miss Winning Tips Join past winners and judges forRead… Read more »

Fulfilling America’s Compact with our Veterans–A Call to Action

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE, April 23, 2012 by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD Share on facebookShare on linkedinShare on twitterShare on google | More Sharing ServicesShare | Print Why are we failing to meet our obligations to our veterans? Ever since the founding of our Republic during the Revolution, persons from all walks of life haveRead… Read more »

International Open Data Day – An Update

(Can’t read the whole post? Important stuff is highlighted in grey below.) Two years ago, I met some open data advocates from Brazil and Ottawa, and we schemed of doing an international open data hackathon. A few weeks later, this blog post launched International Open Data Day with the hope that supporters would emerge inRead… Read more »