Yearly Archives: 2012

Kevin Desouza, Director of Metropolitan Institute, Authors New Book on Intrapreneurship

by Barbara Micale “Bridging academia and the corporate world, Kevin Desouza, director of the Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech, has written a recently published book looking at the critical role of ideas in the success of any new venture. Intrapreneurship, published by the University of Toronto Press, provides an engaging guide for managers and employees,Read… Read more »

The Making of The Art of Video Games

Fabrication is underway for the 20 “genre kiosks” for The Art of Video Games exhibition. The Art of Video Games exhibition opens in less than two months (on March 16, 2012), so things are getting a little hectic around the museum! Early in January, the exhibits team did a round of testing for the 5Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 03, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Gov 2.Overseas! Across the Pond. Alex Howard covers the release of GOV.UK, which in time is slated to be a single portal through which Brits can access all government agencies and, in Alex’s words, “aims [to] deliver[] faster digital services to citizens through a much improved user interface at decreased cost.” Importantly, andRead… Read more »

HI5 Friday’s

I’ve been meaning to write this post for awhile now. For the past several months I’ve been regularly annoying my followers on Twitter and friends on Facebook by posting about Hi5 Fridays. These are my two favourite posts so far: Shock the shit out of a co-worker today, give them a hi5. #hi5friday— Rod GallantRead… Read more »

For those who think they lack the courage

If someone walked up to you and punched you in the stomach, you’d probably react. You’d lash out; you’d walk away; you’d defend yourself. Yet, everyday you come into work, sit down at your desk, power up your pc and get willingly get sucker punched by culture around you. The blow steals your breath, youRead… Read more »

Requests for Endorsements: My Application to Attend The Open Government Partnership

Dear friends, Below (first in english then in a rough french translation – my spoken is much better than my written so I’ve relied on Google translate) is my application letter to attend the April 16-18 Annual Open Government Partnership meeting in Brasilia as a Civil Society Representative. The first reason I’m posting this isRead… Read more »

Interesting elsewhere – 3 February 2012

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web Top Ten Tips from Mobile Web Experts – Forbes Don’t just scale down your desktop site and try to squeeze as much as you can into the little screen. Use the mobile development process to prune your offerings to the most essential. The next step |Read… Read more »

Typewriters and Carbon Paper Still Being Used In Government

It is amazing how behind the times many government offices are when it comes to technology. New York City has put out a bid to replace 1,172 typewriters, which are primarily used to complete carbon copy forms that are not computerized. As the New York Post reports: The last city contract for typewriters, issued fiveRead… Read more »