Yearly Archives: 2012

5 Tips on a Website Redesign

Cross-posted from Reach the Public Last week GovLoop, the online knowledge network for government employees, launched a redesign where we redesigned our home page and launched 7 new sub-communities. The purpose of the change was to increase the overall readability of the site and organization of the site. We had been hearing from our membersRead… Read more »

Great Android Apps – Raindar : Android Market Place App

This just in from Sprint Solutions Engineer Justin Davis…. Download This App Today: Raindar : Android Market Place App It’s in the Android Marketplace and is probably the BEST weather application. It’s very simple and shows a GPS map with LIVE dopler streaming. This is a GREAT app plus it’s free. Description: Going somewhereRead… Read more »

Ethics, lobbying, bundling, the SOTU, and more in today’s political law links

LOBBYING AND THE SOTU. The Hill. “President Obama took aim at K Street in his State of the Union Tuesday night, calling on Congress to limit the campaign fundraising activities of lobbyists.” SOTU EXCERPT. “I’ve talked tonight about the deficit of trust between Main Street and Wall Street. But the divide between this city andRead… Read more »

Being @ the #SOTU #WHTweetUp

Summary. Last night I had the distinct honor and privilege to participate in the White House State of the Union TweetUp. I arrived in my capacity as a private citizen and student from American University (AU). Earlier in the day, as a fellow invited Tweep (i.e., a fun moniker for those of us who microRead… Read more »

Is Grad School Worth It? It Depends on Your Value Drivers

There were a lot of great comments revolving around the grad school question. Thank you to all those who commented. Although not explicitly communicated, many of the comments illustrated the values driving each person. At any given time, we can be GOOD at only one or two (rarely three) of our most important values. ThereforeRead… Read more »

NCDD’s next Confab set for February 23rd: Join us!

Join us for our next Confab call on Thursday, February 23rd from 1:00 to 2:30 EST. This month’s featured NCDDers are Tina Nabatchi and Cynthia Farrar, who will be talking to us about their 2011 report “Bridging the Gap between Public Officials and the Public.” Tina and Cynthia’s 2011 report for the Deliberative Democracy ConsortiumRead… Read more »