Yearly Archives: 2012

LaHood: More transit apps needed

If you’ve ever had to wait for a bus during a cold, wet drizzle, you know how powerful a working, accurate transit app can be. Commuters across the country currently have access to various applications on their mobile devices that are shortening rides and improving their workdays, but more could be done. Department of TransportationRead… Read more »

Governors push for changes to first responder broadband network bill

Congress may be moving forward on the public safety broadband network, but some Governors say that there isn’t enough involvement from state officials – the primary users of the proposed network. Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) and Wyoming Gov. Matthew Mead (R), co-chairmen of the homeland security committee of the National Governors Association (NGA), haveRead… Read more »

The Second Gate in the Pipeline: Managing Others

Congratulations! You’ve done well. Your performance has been exemplary and we would like to offer you a promotion. Go do great things! We know you can do it! You’ve gotten your first management assignment! Congratulations! Taking on that first management assignment is scary and exciting. You tell your friends and family. You wonder what theRead… Read more »

Fixmo Announces Advisory Board, Adds to Board of Directors

We have previously written about the Mobile Risk Management leader Fixmo and their relevance to enterprise missions and I have shared my excitement to be on the advisory board of this very virtuous firm (see, for example, Fixmo And Mobile Risk Management For Enterprise and Government Agencies). Fixmo has just announced the full membership ofRead… Read more »

Top 10 Reasons DISCO and OPM Reject Security Clearance Requests

Check out this just released list of top 10 reasons that security clearance requests are rejected. You may have thought drug use or credit issues were to blame, but it’s not nearly as juicy as that. It’s mundane, simple mistakes such as missing information, lack of fingerprint cards or not providing information for relatives whoRead… Read more »

2011 Service to America Medal Winners: What Pivotal Plays Have You Seen in Government Lately?

The Partnership for Public Service annually honors outstanding federal employees who have made a significant difference in the lives of Americans. Often referred to as the “Oscars of government service,” the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals (aka The Sammies) highlights all of the “pivotal players” in government who are chosen based on theirRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Looking to Obama's State of the Union

Tonight, President Obama will deliver his fourth State of the Union address, and we’ll be watching to see how his reform and transparency ambitions fit within this most public description of the President’s priorities. In an election year when an anti-Washington campaign theme will still be required, Obama may continue to cast his transparency workRead… Read more »