Yearly Archives: 2012

My 20 GovCamp 2012 thoughts

I had an exhausting time at GovCamp this weekend. We had lots of people. There were lots of discussions. There was much tweeting. Many photos were taken. Lots of blogging has happened. Dan Slee had the fab idea of just posting 20 quick thoughts and take-aways. So let’s have a (somewhat delayed) go. I don’tRead… Read more »

Make Government Faster By Focusing On The Space Between Tasks

This is part 2 of my series on Ken Miller’s great book Extreme Government Makeover. In part 1 I explained how Miller describes government as a house where the important work goes on in the pipes hidden from public view behind walls. Miller’s position is that the problem with government is that it cannot meetRead… Read more »

NC0C’s Call for Civic Health Partners

The National Conference on Citizenship’s civic health initiatives are, according to their mission, “efforts to explore America’s civic life and motivate citizens, leaders, and policymakers to strengthen it. Through analysis and initiatives, we call attention to what we learn, make it applicable to our action planning, and help take an evidence-based approach to helping ourRead… Read more »

Why do we mistrust the media?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I conversed with a reporter for well-known national news organization. The subject was media coverage of government (or at least my portion of it). The conversation was fun and honest but I asked if we within government were better at transparency and openness compared to past years. I expected a rather gratuitous answer ofRead… Read more »

HRSDC’s Web 2.0 Symposium – Thoughts and Insights

Social Connect via: On Friday January 20, something amazing happened. Public servants, mainly from HRSDC, but also from several other departments met to discuss everything Web 2.0. The agenda was packed, the content insightful but most importantly, I had a chance to meet public servants who share a passion for technology similar to my own.Read… Read more »

NAGW 2012 Speaking Proposals Now Being Accepted

The National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) is now accepting speaking proposals for the 2012 NAGW National Conference in Kansas City, MO, September 12-14. NAGW is seeking presenters who are willing to share knowledge and ideas and present on new technologies and trends. The deadline for submitting proposals online is March 16, 2012. The focusRead… Read more »

Webinar that is pertinent to nonprofits and governmental agencies: Create Media Buzz to Maximize Donations/Funding

Join For The Charitable Community, Inc.’s ( January 26th, 10 a.m. (PST) Webinar on Building A Media Contact List. The webinar will cover all aspects of building a media contact list, developing effective media strategies, and gaining publicity for your nonprofit organization or governmental agency. It will feature an expert panel from the nonprofit sectorRead… Read more »

2011 State & Local Government Communications infographic

GovDelivery released an infographic report revealing the Top 11 keywords/subjects of government communications State & Local government organizations that saw their content shared the most across email and social media fastest-growing topics that the public signed up to receive actual messages that the public shared through email and social media Below is just a snapshotRead… Read more »

Whats Next DC Live Blogging, Kori Schulman, White House Case Study: Tax Cut

The #40dollars campaign; you might have heard of it. It was a campaign on Twitter in which users posted what $40 a week would do for them using the hashtag #40dollars. The campaign opposed the end of a tax cut which would add about $40 a week taken for taxes from middle class payrolls. TheRead… Read more »

Whats Next DC Live Blogging, Katie Harbath, Political Campaigns & Facebook

Katie Harbath from Facebook kicked off her presentation by noting that there are more Facebook users in the U.S. that are eligible to vote than there were voters in the 2008 election. However, Facebook users are more likely to be involved politically than people that aren’t using Facebook. The reason for this, according to Harbath,Read… Read more »