Yearly Archives: 2012

Avoid These 10 Common Pitfalls In Your Federal Resume Work Experience Section

By Kathryn Troutman, Author, Federal Resume Guidebook and CD-ROM, 5th Ed. and Federal Career Consultant, Do you want to avoid the most common pitfalls that I have seen in the Work Experience section of the federal resume? Whether you are just sitting down to draft your federal resume, or if you already have whatRead… Read more »

Contracting-Out or Outsourcing In-House Functions – Doing It Right

Contracting-out or outsourcing in-house functions is many times viewed as a panacea to problems an organization is facing or as a sure way to reduce costs, which is not always what happens. Here are some considerations in planning to implement the contracting-out or outsourcing of an-house function. Use these considerations as a starting point; theRead… Read more »

Whats Next DC Live Blogging, Major George Hood, Communication: The Lifeblood of all Organizations

Major Hood, who works for the Salvation Army, believes that communication in an organization needs to be a concerted effort. To do this, a finely tuned communications plan needs to be coordinated. Through communication, organizations are able to receive the resources they need. This includes primary resources, which are the capital, labor, and raw materialsRead… Read more »

Whats Next DC Live Blogging, Bonin Bough, Digital Fitness

Evolution is the beacon of culture, says Bough of Pepsi Co., and it only gets quicker with time, as exemplified by the iPad and other new forms of technology. Children today are being raised on the Internet, iPads, laptops, and X-Boxes. As a matter of fact, children try to swipe magazines and don’t understand whyRead… Read more »

Are You A Project Manager or Project Leader?

For the last few years, I have been working with a colleague on developing a new theory of project management. We argue that the project manager is not a manager in the traditional sense but a blending of manager and leader. This has been written about before by other project management scholars but I believeRead… Read more »

Build a Collaborative Web Instead of a Government Innovation Lab

A week or so ago, GovLoop started a discussion on what a government innovation lab would look like. Some great comments on how to build collaborative workspaces but I felt that the discussion missed the greater point of how to make government agencies more innovative. The major problem with innovation labs is that they mayRead… Read more »

What Kind of Online Community Do You Have Behind Your Firewall?

As CIOs and Chief Knowledge Officers bring tools that have been used on the Internet – blogs, wikis, microblogs, profiles – behind the firewall, they tend to expect the same results. “We’ll have our own Wikipedia!” Or Facebook…or Twitter – you name it. Unfortunately, as many have already discovered and many more will continue toRead… Read more »