Yearly Archives: 2012

Group Decision Tip: In-front-of Messaging

In principle, when I talk in front of a group, even if my words are directed to an individual, I am sending multiple messages. Leaders, politicians especially, are acutely aware of who they are speaking in front of and often deliver messages designed to impact multiple groups and influence multiple issues. When I look towardRead… Read more »

Is Grad School Worth It? Or is Credentialing the Answer?

One of my favorite “war” stories is about the first job offer I received after moving to Washington, DC. It went something like this: HR Manager: Paul, we are excited to offer you the program assistant position. The starting salary is $22,000. Me: This is great. Thank you so much. Is the salary negotiable? ForRead… Read more »

Maryland pushes online tools to increase transparency

Maryland is trying to give local business owners more incentive to grow the economy with a series of measures. They’ve launched an online database of all financial incentives available for job creation, and economic development. The database will support a variety of other online tools for business owners, designed to help them while also increasingRead… Read more »

Hero-Leaders: The Oasis in Today’s Desert of Leadership – Thoughts from Chapter 37 of The Leadership Muse

“Just as the visible world is sustained by the invisible, so too do the manifestations of man find nourishment in the visions of our solitary dreamers.” – Wayne Dyer, author of The Power of Intention Today’s aspiring government leaders find themselves too often facing impossible challenges with few resources available to help them. More thanRead… Read more »

New Inside Story policy: provide your full name for publication or your comment won’t be published

I have had a great deal of respect for the Australian Policy Online (APO), produced by the Australian National University and University of Swinburne. For several years the site has been a fantastic venue for serious discussions of public policy options, and a very useful source for policy resources and research. The site also, withoutRead… Read more »