Yearly Archives: 2012

A CTO Perspective: Consider The Message The Elders of the Internet Have A Message for the U.S. Congress

The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) was founded in 1990 as a donor funded non-profit with a focus on fighting for internet freedoms. They frequently bring those fights to the courts by bringing lawsuits against large corporations and the government. They also work to provide information to inform legislators and the public at large. The EFFRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Congressional Committee Seeks Answers about Occupy DC

With high unemployment, a national debt that doesn’t seem to be slowing because of political gridlock, and a direction in foreign policy many disagree with, it’s as good a time as any to be frustrated with the current state of affairs. Frustration was taken to a new level when a protest movement, called Occupy WallRead… Read more »

Don’t Just STOP SOPA: Fix It!

The issues related to the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) are not as simple or black-and-white as many individuals and organizations are portraying them. There is consensus that online piracy is a problem that must be addressed, as well as general agreement that some kind of law isRead… Read more »

Meet the NAGC Board: John Verrico

From time to time, I like to do spotlight features on the NAGC blog, and throughout the year, I’d also like to introduce you to the NAGC Board of Directors. This month, meet John Verrico. John serves as Director of Professional Development on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Government Communicators, andRead… Read more »

I am woman, hear me whimper?

A #weeklyblogpost contribution. Summary: If you’ve got something to contribute, DO IT. No excuses. Last night I had an interesting conversation with Janet Davies and Dominic Campbell. Essentially, we identified that women were hideously unrepresented when it came to Life Peerages but that that merely reflect the gender imbalance within Parliament. My reaction to JanetRead… Read more »

10 Must-Read National Security Blogs

A list of the top-10, must-read national security blogs from contributing writer Mike Jones. Read the full list here, and don’t forget to share your top picks! Blogs are not just for online diarists, they are a medium for professionals to discuss and exchange information about their fields. Nowhere is this truer than inRead… Read more »

Top 7 Problems With Proposal Win Themes

Most companies, despite their best intentions (and even understanding of what a win theme is supposed to look like), fail to sell in their proposals. Win theme is one of the top five elements of proposal persuasion – and if they don’t work, it will be much harder to stand out. Time pressures force theRead… Read more »

Reference Year

I was listening to Joe Scarborough explaining our current economic situation. He has said repeatedly that our situation comes from choices that were made in the ’70’s, shaping subsequent choices that control what we can do today. In The Direct Economy, I’m showing how our current situation is changing our optimal organization for getting thingsRead… Read more »