Yearly Archives: 2012

2011 Represents Record Year for Government-to-Citizen Communications

Report reveals that Health, Business, and Jobs account for one-half of government communication Today, GovDelivery released the 2011 Federal Digital Communications Report, revealing that 2011 was a record year for government communications. The report is available in an infographic and can be seen at The report, based on data from GovDelivery’s clients representing moreRead… Read more »

Trends on Tuesday: Adieu Feature Phone?

The annual gadget juggernaut, the Consumer Electronics Show, wound down last week. Missing from the aisles of shiny new toys? Feature phones. In years past, handset makers such as LG, Motorola, Nokia, and Samsung would have unveiled dozens of “regular” cell phones. Not so. In fact, there were hardly any feature phones announced at CESRead… Read more »

I work in HR at the Department of Global Competitiveness.

Could this be you? Keep reading. In an effort to streamline government, the White House announced Friday their intent to consolidate federal agencies and offices with interconnected missions, including: Department of Commerce’s business and trade functions Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Small Business Administration Export-Import Bank Overseas Private Investment Corporation U.S. Trade and DevelopmentRead… Read more »

Further developing the Content Strategy

It has been a fascinating process developing the councils first content strategy, the personal learning and development which I’ve had to do as well as helping others understand the benefits of what we are calling a content strategy has also been an interesting and rewarding challenge. In an email conversation with Sarah Lay (my unofficialRead… Read more »

How Do You Explain Procurement’s Fundamental Value to Senior Executives?

Several weeks ago, as part of an ACT-IAC Acquisition Management Shared Interest Group (SIG) meeting, I volunteered to help figure out how our SIG could address a suggestion that was made by one of our government advisory team. The suggestion was to take a look at what value a procurement organization brings to their enterpriseRead… Read more »

Fuel Efficiency on Display in Detroit

The Detroit Auto Show will continue for a few more days, but we wanted to share some of the fuel efficient models put on display from major car makers. Above you see the latest from Ford, Chevy, Nissan and Honda. All of these vehicles have fuel efficiency credentials – high 30s and low 40s MPGRead… Read more »