Yearly Archives: 2012

Big Data, Cloud and Data Explosion – Ajay Budhraja

I worked extensively in the telecommunications area to lead large nationwide mobile application and portal rollouts that included mobile platforms, applications, services and integration mechanisms. With the proliferation of smart phone and tablets, mobile devices and other sources are creating massive amounts of data and rendering new and innovative applications and services. Data that isRead… Read more »

Rescheduled: Improving the Performance of Government Employees – Webinar and Free Book

I was originally scheduled to conduct a free webinar on my book, Improving the Performance of Government Employees for the AMA on October 31st. However, due to the hurricane, it has been rescheduled to November 14th at 12:00 PM EST. Listed below is the applicable information. Note that the website currently shows that the eventRead… Read more »

Is Being a Fed A Thankless Job? Maybe Not. Time to Submit Your Sammies Nomination

Ok, let’s get real, you don’t go into a career as a federal worker for the glory and adulation. But sometimes toiling in an all too often thankless job can get tiring. And budget cuts aren’t helping. But that’s where the Partnership for Public Service’s Service to America Medals come into play. The annual awardsRead… Read more »

My new book excerpt: How to shape the contractual, procurement, and evaluation matters

The book shows not only how break into the federal market (with its $1 trillion in contracts, grants, and loans) but how to use a replicable system to achieve the triple-digit growth rates that fastest-growing companies in the government market boast. It shows how to get a slice of a trillion-dollar pie, instead of theRead… Read more »

Einstein’s Chauffeur

Another fantastic speech from July’s Next Generation of Government Summit, this one from Andrew Rasiej, Founder of Personal Democracy Media. Audience and Theme Change takes time. Like Mayor Morse, Mr. Rasiej is also speaking at an innovative Washington, D.C. conference geared towards public servants. The theme he sets out for himself is is a toughRead… Read more »

It’s DCWeek!

If the election doesn’t provide enough excitement for you this week, never fear…it’s also DCWeek. “DCWEEK is a week long festival in the US capitol focused on bringing together designers, developers, entrepreneurs, and social innovators of all kinds.” Yesterday I attended the session titled: “Changing Relationships: Gov 2.0 and the Citizen” at Affinity Lab. PanelistsRead… Read more »

The UK’s Digital Government Strategy – Worth a Peek

I’ve got a piece up on TechPresident about the UK Government’s Digital Strategy which was released today. The strategy (and my piece!) are worth checking out. They are saying a lot of the right things – useful stuff for anyone in industry or sector that has been conservative vis-a-vis online services (I’m looking at youRead… Read more »

Are federal agencies effectively utilizing technology for disaster response and recovery?

Last week, the entire east coast was rocked by Sandy. Now, a week later, life is starting to return to normal in some neighborhoods. Many, however, especially in New York and New Jersey, still remain without power, homes and in need of help. Many key decision makers, however, are not geographically located in the areasRead… Read more »

Tim Ferriss on the Quantified Self

By MollyJust Tim Ferriss, the author of The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body, spoke about the popular Quantified Self movement at Wired’s recent health conference – Living By Numbers. The Quantified Self is a movement aimed at integrating technology into the data collection of a person’s daily life in terms of inputs (ex.Read… Read more »