Yearly Archives: 2012

A new (additional!) job

Just before Christmas, I received the very excellent news that I have been taken up on my offer to become a trustee of Community Lincs, a local community development charity here in Lincolnshire. I’m delighted, because it’s going to give me a chance to do my bit supporting the great work the organisation does inRead… Read more »

Splunk is Going Public

Big Data solutions company Splunk has just filed to go public and is looking to raise $125 million in IPO. Splunk, which will list under the symbol SPLK, collects, indexes and harnesses all the fast moving machine data generated by enterprise applications and devices. It makes this data, which can be hundreds of terabytes aRead… Read more »

How Would a Federal Agency “Protest Proof” an RFP?

Although protests are relatively a small percentage of contract actions, they are on the rise. For contract actions of significant amount, they are almost assured in this budgetary environment. Case in point is CH2M Hill Antarctic Support, Inc. recently protesting a $2 billion contract won by Lockheed Martin Corp. to support the U.S. Antarctic ResearchRead… Read more »

Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator at – The answer is at the very bottom: —————————— You are managing a hardware design project in India with locally trained engineers but your client is based in the U.S. You are unable to meet your client face-to-face andRead… Read more »

Bridges to Revolution

I have long believed in bridges. No, not just to get me across lake Washington, but to shoot the gaps. A long time ago, in law school, I had the honor of being taught labor law by an incredible thinker, scholar and doer, Jim Jones at the UW Law School. In awe I asked himRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Don’t trust the early action

Despite the sell-off after the downgrades in Europe on Friday, the TSP stock funds were able to hold onto some modest gains for the week. Economic data in the U.S. was mixed but Europe is still in the headlines calling much of the shots – at least in the early trading. What’s interesting is howRead… Read more »

Who am I?

Who am I? Summary: Web users are evolving and Facebook is no longer king. So, who am I. You can play along, if you like. Think about your digital footprint, by which I mean all the different websites which you have log ins for. Think about your Pinterest boards and your Tumblrs (yes, that isRead… Read more »