Yearly Archives: 2012

Including ODCs on MAS Service Contracts Can Be a Win For All

Last week the Comment of the Week focused on the opportunities for GSA leadership as customer agencies increasingly look to the agency for procurement solutions. The Comment further observed that “GSA’s commercial item contracting leadership through the MAS program can be the lynchpin in providing savings and value for customer agencies.” GSA has a wonderfulRead… Read more »

OK, I’m a Mentor. Now What?

After I posted this NAGC Mentoring Program announcement earlier this week, I got to thinking, “what are people’s expectations for mentoring?” So, I ask you, good people, what do you think makes a mentor? A mentee? Any good experiences to share, either as a mentor or mentee, and what expectations do you think are reasonableRead… Read more »

Rural broadband expands in South Dakota, Alaska

Rural broadband networks are moving forward in South Dakota and Alaska. Last week, South Dakota asked rural residents to complete usage surveys about how they use the internet and what services they would like to see. General Communications Inc. just finished an expansion in Southwest Alaska that would bring internet access to the region forRead… Read more »

Want to Get ‘er Done? Introducing My 3-Part Strategy

It’s a new year, and a new fresh chance at our ever-enduring quest to be a little more awesome. And alongside that fresh chance, comes a fresh slew of blogs, books, trainings, and talks on Goal/Resolution/Theme/How to Kick Ass-setting. As a personal addict of self-improvement, I admit, I read my fair share of this saidRead… Read more »

Leadership and Entrepreneurship

Leaders need to be Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are creators. They work with little structure or resources. They see opportunity and have the internal drive and resourcefulness to make it reality. A Leader will benefit from developing entrepreneurial skills such as identifying new areas for development, initiating new projects, spotting opportunities, and encouraging managers to create newRead… Read more »

At Fort Hood: Social media, community lauded for help in locating missing girl

So glad this story has gotten more attention. Excerpted from the article on the Army website: A massive outpouring of support from Fort Hood, surrounding communities and social media helped a potential nightmare for one Fort Hood family end happily last week….. {ELLIPSE} “Facebook provided great information,” Fort Hood Garrison Commander Col. Mark Freitag said.Read… Read more »

Brand Yourself

As I pounded away on the health club elliptical machine yesterday morning while watching Republican Sen. Jim DeMint on “Morning Joe,” I was once again reminded of the importance of “branding” yourself (or your agency, your product, your program, etc.) whenever you’re speaking in public. Here’s the setup: DeMint was invited on the show toRead… Read more »