Yearly Archives: 2012

“Lean, Mean, Learning Machines” – The New Age of Training

Michelle Rosenbloom with the 3Leaf Group is a marketing professional. Now, what she is marketing is the Netflix(TM) of training. The wave of the future. She has been involved in creating a “lean, mean, learning machine.” But there is more to it than marketing when it comes to a savvy training professional or manager whoRead… Read more »

The Social Media ROI Challenge: What it Really Means (and 7 Related Faulty Assumptions)

Last week I wrote a post for the Digital Era Thinkers Blog entitled, “12 Hopes for 2012: Enhanced Adoption of Digital Technologies.” Recognizing that technological advances continue to outstrip our willingness to address the opportunities and challenges they present, the post focuses on the psychological challenges we face and our individual and collective ability toRead… Read more »

The Business of IT – Spin Cycle

The article linked below was published in the November 2011 edition of FedTech Magazine. The article describes some “boorish” behaviors that sometimes emerge in the Federal IT community, for the most part resulting from the politics of Washington, DC. Have you seen these or similar behaviors from your peers or agency leaders? What other behaviorsRead… Read more »

The Business of IT – Observations from the Field

The link below is to my article in the August 2011 edition of FedTech Magazine. The article looks at the Obama administration’s “25-Point Implementation Plan to Reform Information Technology Management” in the Federal government. In doing so, I look at what the Plan accomplished – creating focus, establishing priorities – and also look at whatRead… Read more »

From Networks to Swarms

CTOs , CIOs, and technology reporters are very familiar with the idea of the network. Think of networks and tech and the terms network-centric warfare, netwar, social networks, the wealth of networks, and a host of other terms and ideas immediately roll off the tongue. The network is the defining metaphor of the information age.Read… Read more »

Hooray for the New Acquisition “Sub-community”

Greetings everybody!! The creation of specific sub-communities on GovLoop is pretty exciting and should serve to drive folks to the rich content they are looking for as well as further facilitate our excellent subject matter-specific discussions. Totally off topic – did you see where Hostess is, once again, filing bankruptcy? Better stock up on yourRead… Read more »

Networking Events — Battle Zone or Tea Party?

What’s your take on networking events? What’s the purpose of attending them – what do you hope to acheive? Although I’m not new to the government contracting world, I’ve only attended 2 networking events in my career (the second one being last night). I enjoy meeting people and have been told that I can carryRead… Read more »

Harvard Thinks Green

Six of Harvard’s environmental faculty have 6 big green ideas. Above you’ll find Is It Too Late to Avoid Serious Impacts of Climate Change? by James J. McCarthy. Original post

Technology in Government: GovLoop Sub-Community

Wondering how can government better leverage technology in 2012? Congratulations – you’ve come to the right place. The GovLoop Technology Sub-Community is dedicated to connecting you with the people and resources to rethink technology in government. Share – First, we want to encourage you to use it as your starting point for asking questions orRead… Read more »