Yearly Archives: 2012

Pardon Our Dust – GovLoop Making Some Changes…

As I mentioned in my GovLoop A Year in Review, Look Ahead blog post in 2012, we are focusing even deeper as being the knowledge network for government. In our conversations and surveys with members, we’ve been hearing a need for more focus (with over 1,000 groups and 20,000 blogs and discussions it can beRead… Read more »

University of Illinois Funds New Research on Citizens’ Role in Public Policy

From Newswise: “Five research projects at the University of Illinois at Chicago dealing with the citizen’s role in public policy have each received a $20,000 award. The awards, given by the UIC Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement, are funding faculty research aimed at improving citizen participation in government services, often through the use ofRead… Read more »

White House Calls Federal Agencies’ BLUF: Says Use Plain Language

The Plain Writing Act of 2010 called on federal agencies to simplify the language used in issuing rules and regulations. As a part of the Open Government movement, federal agencies were to use plain, common English in official correspondence rather than writing in government-speak – a language commonly known for using a dozen words whereRead… Read more »

Don’t Wait – Early Bird Conference Registration for the Gov Web & New Media Conference ENDS 1/13/12

Early-bird pricing for Web Manager University’s premier event of the year, the annual Government Web and New Media Conference, ends on Friday, January 13, 2012. Last year we were SOLD OUT – don’t miss out, register today. The conference, co-sponsored by GSA and the Federal Web Managers Council, is the premier networking and educational eventRead… Read more »

Blue Lion Training Seeks Intern!

We are looking for an intern! It is an unpaid internship in Massachusetts and is a best fit for one looking for increased exposure to environmental field skills, communications and policy/regulation. A basic environmental background is a plus. If interested or know someone that is, please email me at [email protected] to start the conversation. FeelRead… Read more »

Living Labs Global Awards Seeks Nominees

Here’s a post via Games for Change. Many of the suggested examples cited involve public engagement; it’d be wonderful to see an innovation of that kind be recognized through the LL program! “Living Labs Global is looking for innovative solutions for the challenges presented by 20 cities across the world. For example, Sant Cugat inRead… Read more »

Hadoop Quickstart: Build a Cluster In The Cloud In 20 Minutes Or Less

Editor’s note: The tips Bryan Halfpap provides below really work. I stood up a working Hadoop Cluster in under 20 minutes, from cold iron to production ready, using just his guidance and a Rackspace account. bg I’ve been working with Apache Hadoop in my lab, spending much of that with CDH3 (the Cloudera Distribution includingRead… Read more »

What Drives Crude Oil Prices?

Because, like it or not, renewable energy development still depends a lot on the price of conventional – fossil-based – fuels, we thought that the EIA’s new analysis What Drives Crude Oil Prices? would be of interest to our readers. The analysis has an interactive online component, so be sure to visit the EIA’s siteRead… Read more »

Trends on Tuesday: More on Top Apps

Mobile web versus mobile apps? Well, apps continue to be a strong category. But what are people doing on their apps? According to Nielsen’s State of the Media: Consumer Usage Report, it’s GAMES! Followed by social networking, music and navigation. The study also found that people like free apps. Fifty-one percent said that they don’tRead… Read more »