Yearly Archives: 2012

Making Assumptions

My first post of 2012 is one which is very much a reflection on 2011 and also about looking forward. One of the things I did last year which I have now firmly embedded in my approach to work and actually life in general is to never, NEVER, EVER make assumptions. Assumptions about: people –Read… Read more »

“Use the Culture, Luke!” Why Organizational Culture is like the Force

Recently, there has been a good amount of discussion on GovLoop about culture in the government agencies. I am hopeful that we continue the discussion because I fervently believe that cultural change is the key to fully realizing openness in local, state, and Federal governments. Maybe 2012 will be the Year of Culture as weRead… Read more »

Ryan’s 2012 Tech Predictions

Hopefully these predictions will turn out better than Nic Cage’s cinematic masterpiece (Knowing in the US) Editor’s note: We have asked each of our researchers to pull together considerations meant to help in your planning for 2012. We solicit your feedback on all these predictive posts. bg In 2011, we had some really great technologyRead… Read more »

Taking a look at MTA App Quest

As the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (NY) MTA App Quest public voting period comes to an end, a reporter tried out some of the 42 submissions. Original post

UK Good Practice Guide on Public Engagement in Planning

In light of the recent call for input regarding public participation best practices, it’s always interesting to compare how that question is being answered abroad. Here’s a 2010 document by Planning Aid England, which is part of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), the UK’s “leading planning body for spatial, sustainable, integrative and inclusive planning”:Read… Read more »

Attributes of a Leader Through Ownership and Not Personal Possession

Whenever we mention ownership we reluctantly scrutinize who actually owns, be it a car, house, organisation, political party or even the country. We tend to limit ourselves to personal possession. Ownership covers a great ideal of setups. It goes beyond an individual; it stretches to family, community, society, district, province, country and the entire globe.Read… Read more » The Greek Open Government Initiative

Via Alex Moll on Twitter, I just came across, the website for the Greek Open Government Initiative. From the English language version: has been designed to serve the principles of transparency, deliberation, collaboration and accountability and includes three initiatives: Οpen calls for the recruitment of public administration officials. Top level and mid-level openingsRead… Read more »