Yearly Archives: 2012

CTOvision December Monthly Summary

We started December with a focus on Big Data by recapping Bob Bob Gourley’s interview at the Enterprise CIO Forum where he explained what Big Data was and what it was good for, highlighting Hadoop as the dominant framework for solutions. We also explained how Big Data can make a difference in manufacturing, the mostRead… Read more »

Open Government and Creativity: GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies

IBM Center Senior Fellow Dan Chenok recently posted this article to the Center blog. This week, GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies (OCSIT) released its annual report on activities in 2011. This GSA entity, led by Administrator Dave McClure and a very able staff, serves to drive innovation and transparency to support betterRead… Read more »

9 Awesome Programs from GSA OCSIT Office on Government Communication

Pretty awesome 2011 annual report on GSA OCSIT. Lots of great nuggets but here’s my top 9 favorite program updates in GSA’s own words: 1) FedRamp -The FedRAMP PMO has fully vetted baseline security controls, requirements and documentation with both government and industry stakeholders, receiving over 1,100 comments between November 2010 and January 2011. FedRAMPRead… Read more »

Nebraska, Ohio push forward on insurance exchanges despite opposition

Nebraska and Ohio are both considering measures that would set up health insurance exchanges in their states. Both measures are expected to face stiff opposition from Republican lawmakers that oppose federal health care reform. However, both Governor Heineman and Governor Kasich are expected to at least consider the measures to avoid, ‘federal takeover’ as implementationRead… Read more »

Apply to Become an unNiched 2012 Fellow

The following is a guest post from Jayme Hummer. Jayme serves as Manager of Special Projects and Research at Enspektos, LLC. She also co-hosts the Path of the Blue Eye Project’s podcast, fyi: healthmarcomms. She has more than ten years of experience in research, project management, writing, editing, and publicity. Part of the Path ofRead… Read more »

Federal R&D Priorities

In December 2011, the Executive Office of the President’s National Science and Technology Council released Trustworthy Cyberspace: Strategic Plan for the Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Program, a set of R&D priorities for U.S. government agencies. The White House released Trustworthy Cyberspace to guide research, development, and funding by organizations DARPA, IARPA, and the DHSRead… Read more »

What is Facebook good for? Helping to find a missing child: a Fort Hood story with a happy ending

I happen to subscribe to the official Facebook page of Fort Hood (TX) because my husband sometimes teaches there..I am on the East Coast. He had a fantastic experience there, made friends, and learned a lot himself. I check in once in a while to see what “the Great Place” is doing because he wasRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: White House proposes 0.5 percent pay increase for federal workers

Ed O’Keefe reports the White House is planning to propose a “modest cost of living increase in federal compensation” in the 2013 budget that “would be the first pay jump for federal workers since before President Obama ordered a two-year freeze in late 2010.” Senior administration officials said the proposal would require professional approval andRead… Read more »