Yearly Archives: 2012

Kentucky Seeks to Improve Education Via Accountability and Teacher Evaluation Systems

Deltek Principal Analyst Brian Coyle reports. In September, President Obama announced a plan to offer greater flexibility from federal education mandates in exchange for a commitment from states to boost overall student achievement. After the announcement, 11 states formally submitted to the U.S. Department of Education requests for waivers from key provisions of No ChildRead… Read more »

Health care and social services: December 2011 recap and looking ahead at 2012

Deltek Analyst Stephen Moss reports. After thousands of miles traveled, pounds of food consumed, and yards of wrapping paper destroyed, we made it to 2012. This year promises to offer a lot of excitement. Political junkies will have the presidential campaign; economists will have the global debt crisis; foreign policy enthusiasts will have the MiddleRead… Read more »

Alex’s 2012 Tech Predictions

Editor’s note: We have asked each of our researchers to pull together considerations meant to help in your planning for 2012. We solicit your feedback on all these predictive posts. bg Come explore the future with me, but be warned, the future is a big place, and 2012 is a small slice of time. It’sRead… Read more »

Don’t Give Up…You Are Loved

Creative Commons via Since it’s the beginning of the year, I’m cleaning out my office again. Yes, I seem to do this every year, but it is always fun to rediscover older technology that I’ve used in previous years. Today’s rediscovery was my Microsoft Zune. This was, to be honest, my first iPod becauseRead… Read more »

Our Future

No, this isn’t about the latest tech gadget or how invisibility cloaks are becoming a reality. No, this about something just as important to our future…students and youth. This week the U.S. Geological Survey launched an effort to highlight some of the amazing and talented students/youth that work at the USGS. Each month, we’ll beRead… Read more »

Does Your Local Government Promote Meaningful Citizen Engagement?

In a previous post I discussed how Faith Gordon requested the City Council in Lackawanna, NY to make available to the public copies of the entire Council meeting agenda not just a summary. Ms. Gordon requested that the entire City Council meeting agenda including resolutions, memos etc. be put on-line, so that the public canRead… Read more »


To borrow from Teddy Roosevelt, being in the political arena fighting for what one believes is what it means to be a citizen in a republic. Since I was a kid, I’ve enjoyed watching the political arena. At the wise age of 8, I supported George H. W. Bush over Michael Dukakis. I don’t knowRead… Read more »