Yearly Archives: 2012

7 Habits Of Unsuccessful Elected Officials

In January elected officials are sworn into office to begin their terms as village board members on up to the highest public offices. New terms of office always start with such promise but many political leaders fail in their efforts. Eight years ago Sydney Finkelstein a professor of Management at the Tuck School of BusinessRead… Read more »

Executive Orders and the U.S. Constitution

There’s a completely absurd rumor out there now that President Obama has issued 15 Executive Orders giving himself the power to take control of all transportation, electrical power, communications media, food, and other national resources. It’s an absolute lie. President John Kennedy issued those order numbers–10990 through 11005–and they have nothing to do with thoseRead… Read more »

Fixing the Rules of the Game

The budget stalemate back in the spring, the summer debt ceiling debacle, the recent failure of the “super committee,” and the near paralysis over extending the payroll tax cut the are all symptoms of a broken governing system. The non-partisan Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform recently issued a series of recommendations on how to beginRead… Read more »

Leadership Demands Courage

With the start of the New Year I find myself in a reflective mood. Being an effective leader in government, with all the challenges of these tumultuous times, demands a deeper sense of courage and personal integrity. Leaders will be challenged to authentically stay true to our core beliefs and values. Certainly the dynamics ofRead… Read more »

Energy: Who Bought It & What We Paid

The two EIA graphs above tell a good-news/bad-news tale. The good news? Industrial and transportation energy costs have gone down significantly lately. The bad news? Residential and commercial costs haven’t, and those two of the sectors that have grown the most, by consumption, since 1960. Thanks to the EIA for the visuals! Original post

Rainmaker 10 – Tune Your Work For The Internet

Definition – A Rainmaker creates a significant amount of new business. Anybody here ever seen or used this Internet thingie? How long have you had access to the internet? In the last 15 years, how have you adapted your work to take advantage of the internet? Why? Name a company that has really taken advantageRead… Read more »

What are your Favorite SES ECQs?

If you are going to consider an SES position within the next 5 years, you should begin to think about the ECQS and your experience. What’s your favorite or best ECQ? Consider the these basic tips for thinking about your leadership qualifications and preparing to write the five ECQs. ECQ #1 – Leading Change: ThisRead… Read more »