Yearly Archives: 2012

Is the United States Militarizing Cyberspace?

By SeanLawson Though cybersecurity has been a concern for decades, we have seen an uptick of concern during the last four years. The Obama administration has made the issue a priority. Early in his term, the President gave a speech on the subject and the next month the Secretary of Defense announced the creation ofRead… Read more »

Watching Government Sausage Get Made

This week (as part of my official duties) I had the opportunity to sit in on a meeting for the Senate Committee on Human Rights. It was an incredibly rich experience, and an opportunity that I would encourage you to take advantage should it cross your plate. It was interesting for a couple of reasons,Read… Read more »

Using Social Media for Recruiting – For Government Employees

Social media has changed the world of recruiting. Never before have federal agencies had such access to top talent. At our next DigitalGov University webinar Using Social Media for Recruitment you can learn how to use these tools to maximize your recruitment outreach and put your messages in front of the widest audience of qualifiedRead… Read more »

A look at Government Computer News’ Four-part series on Text Analytics

By RyanKamauff Government Computer News has an in-depth examination of how text analytics are being used in the federal government. They examined how NASA is using text analytics for airline safety, how text analytics can “read between the lines” of terabytes of data, using text analytics to identify early signs of bio threats and usingRead… Read more »

Race for Reuse: Adopta

Much has been said about one of last year’s application, Adopt-a-Hydrant, a web app designed by 2011 fellows, Erik Michaels-Ober, enabling citizens to claim responsibility for civic infrastructure. Now generally referred to as, “Adopta,” the tool has been repurposed to apply to city property ranging from storm sirens to sidewalks. We’ve selected Adopta as featuredRead… Read more »

Are You Up for a Challenge?

In the tech world, weekends spent at “Hackathons” or “Mobile App Challenges” are becoming more and more common. And the public sector is starting to catch on. These challenges are exciting becuase lots of real work gets done in a short amount of time. Xavier Hughes, the Chief Innovation Officer with the Department of Labor,Read… Read more »

What should FEMA’s role be in an emergency? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: November 5th. That’s the day would-be Presidential Management Fellows can begin their applications for the prestigious program. The highly competitive and very thorough application process is incredibly hard to successfully navigate. But we here at GovLoop are here to help. Click here for the full recap. But First: What the roleRead… Read more »

Can Video Increase Military Coordination Between Nations?

Keeping the lines of communication and collaboration open between these nations and their militaries is a struggle under the best of conditions. However, the ongoing economic situation is impacting each and every member nation to some degree and at some level. This means that budgets need to be cut, every cent needs to be accountedRead… Read more »