Yearly Archives: 2012

Seeking comments on my white paper “A Framework for Transparency Program Planning and Assessment”

I‘m seeking comments on my updated and expanded white paper “A Framework for Transparency Program Planning and Assessment.” It’s located here: My focus is primarily on understanding how improved transparency and openness can impact the individuals and groups targeted by government programs. I know that much attention on program transparency in recent years hasRead… Read more »

GSA-Approved GovLoop Terms of Service

Over the last couple years, I have received questions regarding whether we were officially approved by GSA with our terms of service, and now I have an answer: YES! I’m excited to announce that GovLoop has a new GSA-approved Terms of Service (ToS). We’ve made changes to the ToS to cover all federal employees signingRead… Read more »

The state of online collaboration

Apologies for the lack of posting lately on here. The reason for this quietness can be seen in this set on Flickr. Anyway, my friends at Clinked – who make a rather good online collaboration and project management platform – have produced an interesting infographic on the state of online collaboration. I’ve pasted it inRead… Read more »

Daden release results of its Data Visualisation and Visual Analytics Survey

The results of a Data Visualisation and Visual Analytics Survey have been released by Daden Limited (Daden). Daden created this survey as part of the development of their new ground-breaking data visualisation tool, Datascape. The aim was to understand what applications analysts were already using, what they did and didn’t like about them and whatRead… Read more »

Mayor Alex Morse speech

23-year-old Mayor Alex Morse of Holyoke, Massachusetts delivered a powerful presentation at the Next Generation of Government Summit this past July. I’d like to break it down, and analyze what I think made it so effective. The speech in its entirety can be viewed here: Audience and Theme Mayor Morse is speaking at an innovativeRead… Read more »

3-Step Guide to Upgrading HR’s Role in Enterprise 2.0

By KyleLagunas Over the last few years, social and mobile technologies have proven to be powerful tools for sourcing and recruiting talent. More recently, we’re beginning to see consumer tech–social, in particular–being leveraged in other HR functions. But while research shows these next generation tools have the potential to improve communication and collaboration across theRead… Read more »

Enterprise social networking – the latest infographic

I thought this infographic from the US on enterprise social networking from Tibbr, released in July 2012, was worth sharing. Particularly notable was how high an adopter of these types of tools was government (‘Public Administration’) at 74%, which closely reflects the share of Australian Government agencies I’ve tracked as now using social media officiallyRead… Read more »

Rules of Interfacing with Government Personnel that You Don’t Want to Break at Any Cost

Marketing to the government is very different than marketing to commercial customers. With most commercial customers, you can wine, dine, and entertain them. Not so with the government. If you do, there are two outcomes: government personnel will either start avoiding you outright because they will know that you don’t know how to work withRead… Read more »