Yearly Archives: 2012

Rewards for all the great hard work

I posted some pictures of our Workers Appreciation. It wasn’t all of them but it felt good to know that we are appreciated and not treated like a robot..And it was a workday! The food was awesome and so was the cake..There were door prizes and rewards! Honestly, it’s things like this that makes meRead… Read more »

The Pay Debate is back – do you make more or less? Plus your Debate Prep Guide

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Iran’s recent state-sponsored denial of service attacks on US Banks are just the latest cybersecurity threats making the news. So what’s new? What the Defense Department’s role? And how do you get ahead of the innovative hactivisits? Insights from the director of security strategies at Imperva – Rob Rachwald. Click hereRead… Read more »

Tapping Open Source: Linux Philosophy and the Government

This blog post was written by DLT Solutions’ Matt Micene, Engineering Team Lead for the company’s blog. You can visit the full blog by clicking HERE. —– With Mil-OSS WG4 over and 2012’s Red Hat Government Symposium kicking off on Tuesday, my mind naturally wanders to topics such as “The Open Source Way” and howRead… Read more »

Transition is An Opportunity – Be Ready

No matter who wins the election in two weeks, change will come. If the President is re-elected, we’ll see some new political appointees coming onboard and certainly new initiatives. If Governor Romney is elected, we’ll see wholesale changes in political personnel and plans; and transition teams will move into agencies quickly. In either case, newRead… Read more »

NextGen+ The Next Generation of Leaders Making Changes at HUD

Many agencies have been prepping for the “retirement wave” hitting the Federal Government, including the Office of Personnel Management with new reforms to the Pathways Program. In addition to recruiting a talented workforce, however, agencies face the additional challenge of retaining young employees. At the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Michael Lawyer had noticedRead… Read more »

Are State Sponsored Hacktivists the Real Cyber Threat? Innovators?

Cyberspace has fundamentally transformed the global economy. It’s transformed our way of life, providing two billion people across the world with instant access to information to communication, to economic opportunities. And yet, with these possibilities, also come new perils and new dangers. The Internet is open. It’s highly accessible, as it should be. But thatRead… Read more »

Could Big Data’s need for better energy technologies translate into global energy solutions?

Could Big Data’s need for better energy technologies translate into global energy solutions? It would seem that Silicon Valley’s polished visage is being called into question. The slick technology that pervades our lives belies the Cro-Magnon infrastructure that keeps it running. But as high-tech, data-driven businesses seek to find innovative solutions to this problem, canRead… Read more »

Scaling Edges – how does it apply to government innovation?

Deloitte recently released a paper entitled ‘Scaling Edges – A pragmatic pathway to board internal change’, which provided strategies on how organisations in the private sector could best achieve innovation at the institutional level. The paper promotes the following approach: Focus on the edges rather than the core functioning of an organisation Identify projects whichRead… Read more »