Yearly Archives: 2012

Meet Code for America 2013

It’s official. We’ve selected our fellows and government partners for the 2013 Fellowship Program. The applicants for each were incredible and whittling it down to these 10 governments and 29 fellows was a feet. (And we encourage all fellows and government applicants who we were unable to accept into the program this year to considerRead… Read more »

How to Make Them Say, “I learned something today.”

June Melvin Mickens of Executive Advantage, LLC says “It never ceases to amaze me that the most snooze-provoking presenters seem to be the most oblivious.” Isn’t it true? These trainers don’t seem to get it, even with people snoring away, or leaving to catch some fresh air, or constantly looking at their agendas to seeRead… Read more »

Analyzing Mobile Visitors to

In the past 30 days, the portal has received visits from 305 different mobile devices. These visits now account for about 13% of the total visits to the site. Thats a lot of different devices, A-Z, everything from the Apple iPad to the ZTE D930 Chorus. The new visitor rate for mobile devices isRead… Read more »

Unlocking learning and innovation in your organization.

Today’s organizations exist in a rapidly changing environment where disruptive technologies, economic turmoil, and the winds of political change have put a premium on the organizations ability to rapidly react to a changing environment and meet evolving organizal challenges. This is leading to an even greater emphasis on the value organizations put on their humanRead… Read more »

How to: 5 Tips to Find a Policy Job

I’ve been meeting recently with a number of recent graduates (mainly MPA/MPPs) and I’ve found most of them want “policy jobs.” It’s kind of an interesting situation – these MPA/MPP graduate programs prep them for policy work but honestly there’s not a ton of policy jobs. Most federal openings aren’t about setting policy but aboutRead… Read more »

Keys to a Successful Transition for Female Veterans

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for post-9/11 female veterans surged to 19.9% in September, vs. 14.7 percent a year earlier and 12.1% in August. While the unemployment rate for veterans as a whole is now lower than the general public, that’s obviously not the case for our female vets. OneRead… Read more »

What I did last night instead of blogging

I miss colouring; don’t you? I’ve been chewing on a lot of things this week; but instead of sitting down and writing, I sat down with some of the people that matter the most to me. I sat down and coloured a picture with my kids; something I haven’t done for a long time. MyRead… Read more »