Yearly Archives: 2012

acidlabs launches New think­ing — New ideas - New learn­ing

acidlabs launches its New think­ing — New ideas — New learn­ing program to provide design thinking, service design, collaboration and online strategy training to Australian business and public sector professionals. Our initial offerings are Design to Think. Think to Design. and Social Strategy for Business (3 workshops) Original post

Data Storage and Analysis Survey

By BobGourley The open concept development site is conducting a survey seeking information on Data Storage and Analysis practices in the federal ecosystem. If you are a technologist or executive with insights and lessons learned to share regarding data storage and analysis we would very much appreciate your views. The results of this surveyRead… Read more »

National Audit Office invites the public to contribute to departmental audits

In what I believe is a global first, Australia’s National Audit Office (ANAO) has launched a pilot program inviting members of the public to contribute to selected audits in progress, aimed at promoting closer citizen engagement in the audit process. The system allows the public to provide contributions related to the efficient and effective implementationRead… Read more »

President Plans To Veto Fiscal Cliff — DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We’ve all listened to the debates, the campaign stump speeches, the political ads — and if you were looking for the candidates take on policy — you’d be satisfied. But what about operations, implementation and management tactics? If you were looking for how the President or Governor Romney would actually implementRead… Read more »

Building an Analytics Culture

Using analytics to make better decisions is taking root in agencies across the government, notes a new report by the Partnership for Public Service and the IBM Center. The report explores how a dozen pioneers did it, and leaders from some of these organizations offer advice on how others can, as well. Investing in, andRead… Read more »

Think Campaigning is Tough — Try Governing, Being the Gov’s CEO

We’ve all listened to the debates, the campaign stump speeches, the political ads — and if you were looking for the candidates take on policy — you’d be satisfied. But what about operations, implementation and management tactics? If you were looking for how the President or Governor Romney would actually implement those policies you wouldRead… Read more »