Yearly Archives: 2012

AFCEA Bethesda Smart Tech Symposium Interview Series: Seth Guikema, Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University

AFCEA Bethesda Smart Tech Symposium Interview Series: Seth Guikema On October 23, AFCEA Bethesda is hosting an innovative educational symposium for government and industry participants who are or want to be on the cutting edge of smart technology and sustainability. The goals of the event are to make the business case for sustainability, show “bigRead… Read more »

Playing with Budget Cutbacks: On a Government 2.0 Response, Wikileaks & Analog Denial of Service Attacks

Reflecting on yesterday’s case study in broken government I had a couple of addition thoughts that I thought fun to explore and that simply did not make sense including in the original post. A Government 2.0 Response Yesterday’s piece was all about how Treasury Board’s new rules were likely to increase the velocity of paperworkRead… Read more »

Do I Really Want To Work Here? What Are You Doing To Keep Me Engaged?

Many of us have experienced that moment – that moment when the excitement of a new job or new role begins to wane and we feel less than enthusiastic about going to work every day – the engagement decline. When you get that “Ugh, I so don’t want to come to work today…” feeling, oftenRead… Read more »

Trending Now: The Public Sector Focuses on Customer Service

Daryl Covey, an experienced service manager with over thirty-eight years of public sector service, brought together federal customer service managers from all lines of business. The group collaboratively generated a collection of customer service “best practices” for government employees. Covey shares his findings and the findings of these experts in his new book, Government CustomerRead… Read more »

Get Past the Partisan Talk — How Career Feds Should Be Prepping for Transition

Did you tune-in to last night’s debates? Record numbers of you took to twitter. But career feds were still left in the dark for specifics on what a second-term Obama administration or a Romney-Ryan ticket would actually look like. Would there be a workforce overhaul? What initiatives would be started right out the gate? WhoRead… Read more »

Security Policy Changes for Today’s Threat Environment

In 2012, the number of smartphone users will reach 106.7 million with 94% of these users accessing the mobile internet. With employees accessing all kinds of information on multiple devices, agencies are presented with numerous challenges including, cyber attacks, which continue to be a challenge for IT departments on restricted budgets. In the BYOD era,Read… Read more »

Millennials: Giving a Good Hustle to Government Jobs?

ClearanceJobs contributor Erika Wonn writes about millennials, and a recent article that says more companies should be giving millennials a chance: There has been a lot of chatter this week about the dear millennials, and why big business should or should not hire this group of young working professionals. In an article by the HarvardRead… Read more »

The Best of Romney’s ‘Binders Full of Women’ Meme

Mitt Romney’s unfortunate phrasing touched off Internet hysteria following the Oct. 16 town hall presidential debate. The moment came when Romney stumbled over a question regarding pay equity, telling the audience how he used “binders full of women” to recruit female cabinet members as Governor of Massachusetts. The full remark courtesy of the ABC NewsRead… Read more »

Networking Tips

I think everyone will tell you that professional networking is important, but I think few can cogently explain why. The basic reason from a manager’s perspective is, in my opinion, that you simply need other people to do anything of significance in life. You need a strong network of people with diverse skills above you,Read… Read more »