Yearly Archives: 2012

Monday Pick Me Up

If this video doesn’t get you going, well, I don’t know what to tell you. Original post

Should Garbage Picking Be Illegal?

Don DalFonso, a Buffalo resident who collects scrap metal, was recently cited by the Town of Tonawanda for “interference with waste material set out for collection.” The City of Buffalo and several surrounding suburbs have ordinances that not only prohibit unauthorized removal of trash, but go as far as to establish the municipality as owner,Read… Read more »

Innovation: Begin by Thinking Different

Innovation and Change, a Historical Perspective A historical perspective of an organization, as those cited by Willem Mastenbroek from over a decade ago are not only interesting as an evolutionary history of organization and the firm, but also facilitate insight into early management and human behavior. The examples also give a glimpse into what hasRead… Read more »

4 Tips on Reporting Digital Metrics from

At a conference, I was recently asked “What’s the best way to report web and social media metrics?” The participant said they struggle on what specific metrics to report, how frequently, and in what format. My response was check out Center for Disease Controls’s metrics Here’s 4 tips based on CDC’s metrics (September’s metrics embeddedRead… Read more »

My Cuppa

My British lunch companion cringed when I poured sugar in the cappuccino. Not because one does not add sugar, but because one does not, apparently, add white sugar. “I can’t [pronounced ‘cahnt’] believe they gave you white sugar. That is for tea, brown sugar is for coffee.” I’d never heard that, and asked him toRead… Read more »

Civic starters for ten

This is a personal blog. You are gently reminded of this. The thinking behind this post was done entirely on a Saturday and in my own time and in my own head, without discussing it with anyone else who might be or is anything to do with work. It’s important, that bit. This blog isRead… Read more »

The Simple Sabotage Field Manual, Cubicle Edition

Behold, published in 1944, the Simple Sabotage Field Manual. In its original context, the SSFM was applied to allied sympathizers in occupied territories during WWII. Today, the field guide has stunning applicability to 21st century organizations and employees. This blog reframes the Simple Sabotage Field Guide’s “tips and tricks” as a set of guideline forRead… Read more »

Question about references

Hello the instructions for required documents for the federal job state that Resume to be uploaded-with references (required), does it mean that the resume must contain names and contact info for references, or does it mean that I need to provide them with letters of references on the seperate paper, 1 sheet per reference, besidesRead… Read more »