Yearly Archives: 2012

Identity Management-as-a-Service

It seems that most people these days understand what Identity Management it. For those that don’t, it describes the management of individual identifiers, their authentication, authorization and permissions within or across system and enterprise boundaries. In other words, who are you and what can you access, either physically or virtually. The goal of identity managementRead… Read more »

Joe Liberman on Cybersecurity, ICITE to go live in 2013 and more

By RyanKamauff The IC is bringing a whole host of services and capabilities to bear for all of its users Here’s the top cyber news and stories for today. Joseph Lieberman, CT Senator, has an op-ed titled, “the dangers of delaying heightened cybersecurity” – it was published in the Washington Post and addresses how importantRead… Read more »

Fels Report Highlights Strategies for Productive Public Engagement

Fels Research & Consulting released Building Common Ground, a report which focuses on proven strategies that produce effective results and positive public engagement. This report is part of the Promising Practices series, a compilation of briefs that provide public sector leaders and managers with effective, practical, and innovative information on a broad range of publicRead… Read more »

Vast Video Library Helps 28,000 Local Public Agencies Learn About Federal Aid

In a couple weeks, I’m looking forward to attending the “Government Workforce” Learning Innovations Conference hosted by ASTD on October 24 at the Newseum in Washington, DC. The schedule includes several great sessions directed toward government learning professionals, including a couple that address the implications of an election year transition, and at least two moreRead… Read more »

It’s Who You Know

Have a quality website, active social media presence, but still not reeling in the kind of customers or clients you want? The world of marketing and networking may have changed, but one thing is the same — it’s all about who you know. Reaching out to people still takes a little finesse even if itRead… Read more »

Business Watch: One Chinese Company Dominating the Online Markets

For many years now, China has been known for its advancements — and investment — in technology. It’s no surprise Internet marketing is a rapidly growing field in the country. In fact, it’s growing so quickly there are not enough trained professionals to fill the available jobs. Baidu, a Chinese-based Web company, identified this deficitRead… Read more »

Technology in Development that Could Bump Canada to World’s No. 1 Oil Reserve

If you’re in to oil investing, here’s a story you’re going to want to hear. It would seem as though Canada may have the world’s richest oil deposits. And, if the proper technology can be developed to unlock these crude commodities, Canada could very well position herself as the number one oil reserve in theRead… Read more »

I’ve Got the Whole World in My Hands: Mobile Internet Access, 24/7

Today, more and more people are gaining instant access to the internet on their cell phones. While this has some arguably negative effects on our culture, it does provide a lot of positives in regards to staying informed and maintaining easy communication. Staying Informed It’s pretty fun to browse the web from the convenience ofRead… Read more »

The New Face of (e) Customer Service

You might be in the business of providing classroom furniture to customers across the country, but that doesn’t mean customer service ends when the bell rings in the autumn. This is one industry that is a little bit slower than others to embrace the age of technology. When you’re the one providing much-needed products, howRead… Read more »

Get Inspired and Motivated with these Top Apps

From mothers working to maintain a loving household to people exiting drug rehab centers on the path to a new life, everyone needs a little inspiration and motivation every once in a while. Fortunately, there is a plethora of helpful apps out there designed to provide just that. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed orRead… Read more »