Yearly Archives: 2012

Football Saturday Meets Disaster Preparedness

In today’s cultural climate, professional athletes are often regarded as modern-day “heroes” by a large segment of the population. As a fellow sports enthusiast, I agree that there are few things more exciting than a game changing performance by star athletes. But heroism, like many others, is a relative term; one that is more oftenRead… Read more »

Phone Screening Interviews

Patra’s advice for acing a phone screening interview — treat it as a “real” interview! The phone screen interview may be your first exposure to a recruiter who can be your internal champion in the job search process. Make a good impression and be prepared. If the recruiter calls and you’re not prepared, reschedule. ThenRead… Read more »

What does Enterprise mean to my Enterprise?

As organizations struggle to evolve, adapt and become more efficient in these challenging economic times, one of the things they focus on is making better use of scarce resources in order to meet their goals. Often this takes the form of identifying areas where consolidation can occur in order to leverage economies of scale. TheRead… Read more »

What the Jobs Report Means for Feds – DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Say goodbye to government press releases. We take a look at the government communication revolution with GovDelivery’s CEO Scott Burns. What do you think of when you hear “telework”? You might be thinking pajamas, your favorite seat on your sofa, time near your cat, and homemade lunches, but as Christina MorrisonRead… Read more »