Yearly Archives: 2013

Brookings Starts New Public Sector Research Center

The Brookings Institution has launched a new research center under its governance studies program that will work to help identify and solve challenges in the public sector. The Center for Effective Public Management will seek to identify the country’s top governance and political issues of the day and involve leaders and domestic policy experts fromRead… Read more »

Creating Reality

I was sitting in a meeting listening to a social scientist creating a reality with his mouth. He was flashing his eyes, pointing his fingers, threatening doom. I noticed he didn’t have any experimental data or observation, he had a string of slogans and epithets, which having lost their original data and observation didn’t makeRead… Read more »

Are You Enrolled in Audio University?

Quote: “Everything changes the moment you do.” – Anonymous When you make the decision to learn more, you have made the decision to earn more. But when we first undertake a project, we are gung ho about the idea and then our motivation begins to wane. That’s why it’s terribly important to get some helpRead… Read more »

Being Better Than Your Best

Quote: “If I am through learning, I am through.” – John Wooden Wouldn’t you agree that people who have more information have a tremendous advantage over people who don’t? Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning. Set yourself apart from every one else in your organization, through continual learning. Commit to becoming better. The fact is thatRead… Read more »

Kill Your Comfort Zone

Quote: Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone.” – Robert Allen Think of your comfort zone as a self-imposed prison you’ve put yourself in. It consists of limiting thoughts and ideas about who you are and what you are capable of becoming. Perhaps you learned these limitations while you were young and theyRead… Read more »