Yearly Archives: 2013

Service as a service

Not long ago, staying in Cornwall entailed giving up on most modern forms of communication. This summer, the house we have rented there for the last few years had sprouted broadband. Not very fast broadband, admittedly, but a big improvement on no broadband at all- and it’s just there, no fuss, no charge. Back inRead… Read more »

Word Inflation

A while back, I collaborated on a project to produce a document suitable for public dissemination. I noticed that when collaborators sent back edits and improvements to the draft’s author, each received a comment like: ‘Awesome Changes!’, or ‘This will really make our document Awesome!’, or ‘The new formatting is Totally Awesome!’. In reality, theRead… Read more »

Identifiable public service social media voices no longer required in Australian government

The new Twitter profile pic for former DIAC/DIPD Twitter spokesperson Sandi Logan. Officials from the Department of Immigration and Border Control (formerly the Department of Immigration and Citizenship) have confirmed that Sandi Logan is no longer required to be a spokesperson for the department on Twitter (using his @SandiHLogan account). Reported in the Sydney MorningRead… Read more »

Shared service delivery: 4 tactics from the private sector

This blog post was written by my colleague John Weigelt. You can read more of his posts here. Governments everywhere are looking for opportunities to do more with less. One approach is to create a shared services organization so services can be consolidated across departments or agencies (the city of Frankfurt is a good example).Read… Read more »

3/5 of Gov’t Workers Exempt if a Shut Down Occurs

If the government were to shutdown due to Congress not passing a spending bill next week, 41 percent of the federal government’s workforce will shutdown as well, according to USA Today. 59 percent of the non-defense workforce will be exempt from the shutdown, according to the Federal Daily. These numbers come from an analysis ofRead… Read more »

The shift to BYOD

BYOD: Bring your own device (BYOD) refers to the policy of permitting employees to bring personally owned mobile devices (laptops, tablets, and smart phones) to their workplace, and use those devices to access privileged company information and applications – Wikipedia, 2103 Recent statistics indicate that: “38% of companies expect to stop providing devices to staffRead… Read more »

Can You Find Success as a Filmmaker Outside LA?

Can you find success as a filmmaker outside of LA? That was the theme of the DC Shorts Film Festival, based upon conversations I had with directors attending the festival. Now in its tenth year, DC Shorts featured 153 films from 23 nations. The festival is known as a “filmmakers festival,” where directors are givenRead… Read more »

NASA Releases White Paper on the Benefits of Human Space Exploration

NASA and the International Exploration Coordination Group has released a white paper that speaks to the benefits of the human exploration of space, according to a NASA statement. The paper was a result of space agencies participating in the ISECG and their continued dialogue about investment in missions and activities. Some of the benefits ofRead… Read more »