Yearly Archives: 2013

3 Questions to ask before you make a big decision

Oftentimes l will have somebody come into my office and sketch something out pretty quickly and then look for a decision on the spot. Now if you don’t make the decision quickly you’re holding up progress but there’s always the risk that by making the decisions without the right information, you leave yourself open toRead… Read more »

Are we finally ready for shared services?

The concept of shared services has been around for decades. But now with tight budgets shared services are finally starting to get some traction. Dan Chenok is the Executive Vice Chair for the Industry Advisor Council and the Executive Director at IBM’s Center for the Business of Government. ACT IAC recently hosted a Shared ServicesRead… Read more »

Believing in the Impossible Because You Didn’t Know It was Impossible: An Agency of the Future Event Recap

At GovLoop’s Agency of the Future Event, Ann Rodriguez, Director of Global Brand Marketing for Soccer and Lacrosse at Under Armour said, “I didn’t know I couldn’t,” as she referenced the culture at Under Armour. “I didn’t’ know I couldn’t” is part of Under Armour founder Kevin Plank’s philosophy for his company. Under Armour wasRead… Read more »

What Is Leadership? An Agency of the Future Event Recap

Speaking at GovLoop’s Agency of the Future event yesterday, keynote speaker, David Bray of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) defined leadership as, “passion to improve our world.” Breaking apart that definition, Bray spoke on the subjects of leadership, passion, and improving our world, sharing with audience members his recommendations for achieving future success in eachRead… Read more »

Structure in Threes: Strategy, Resource, and Structure

Throughout most of the business world discussing projects and enterprises always seems to rely on the trinity of People, Process and Technology. However, I see two of these items as part of one class resources and another important attribute “structure”. Structure as of late seems to be on many of the business management schools andRead… Read more »

My Tribute to the Washington Navy Yard Victims: My Colleagues

I read this very touching tribute to the Washington Navy Yard victims this morning. While I am an Air Force civilian in at a base in suburban Boston, we are all part of the same national security team. I feel the loss as if they were on my base. Their lives of quiet persevering dedicationRead… Read more »

Leading in an uncertain world

[This is more or less a re-print of an article I wrote some time ago for a local business magazine that I thought people might find interesting.] Every day I have the luxury of engaging with really bright people, and for someone whose personal style is a “learner,” that makes life fun. In particular. I’veRead… Read more »

New Report – Federal Agencies Challenged to Address Insider Threats

Originally published on Federal Blue Print The Information Sharing Environment (ISE) recently issued a report that highlighted how many federal agencies are currently challenged when it comes to dealing with insider threats. Forty four percent of 39 agencies surveyed reported that they had not yet met the minimum standards required for an effective insider threatRead… Read more »

5 Reasons To Start Using Open Source Today

“At some point you reach a tipping point. You do not want to compete for budget dollars, you want to collaborate, that’s where open source comes in.” – Daniel Risacher, Associate Director, Enterprise Services and Integration, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Department of Defense. In the recent past, coming up with codes and sharingRead… Read more »