Yearly Archives: 2013

Collaborating to Make a Difference

The Department of Veterans Affairs has been in the cross-hairs of critics for delays in approving benefits for deserving veterans. Recent reports suggest that VA has turned the corner and is reducing its backlog. One factor: greater collaboration with veterans service organizations. In May, the VA announced a partnership with two veterans service organizations —Read… Read more »

ID Theft Prevention

MY OPINION! This blog posting from Michael Peters should be almost mandatory reading by anyone who uses a computing device (be desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone, smartwatch etc.) The Truth about ID Theft: No fear mongering, no snake oil, just simple advice. After years of advising corporations, investment firms and being directly involved with helping peopleRead… Read more »

Genius Consultants–Yes or No?

A lot of people think that the McKinsey’s of this world are the business geniuses. You hire McKinsey, Bain, or The Boston Consulting Group when you need to address big organizational problems–frequently those that involve broad reorganizations, massive cutbacks, reformulation of strategy, and culture makeovers. According to Bloomberg Businessweek in a book review of TheRead… Read more »

FEHB Program Affordable Care Act Impact

Many federal employees and retirees alike are concerned about being forced out of the FEHB program and into local health care exchanges that are mandated by President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. I’m not sure why it was called the Affordable Care Act when in reality insurance costs have already increased considerably across all sectors sinceRead… Read more »

DesignGov’s public sector problem solving primer

DesignGov has just released the first iteration of their problem solving primer, a tool designed to share insights from the expertise and experience of decision makers and practitioners on what makes good problem solving. Released on their blog as A problem solving primer, it’s a great approach to start aggregating the combined wisdom of peopleRead… Read more »

Good Government = Good Neighbors!

Posted by John Verrico We all know that government budgets to go to conferences are practically non-existent nowadays. So communicators at all levels of government are working to find alternative ways of meeting with stakeholders, usually turning to online virtual solutions. But, as one communicator said in response to a survey earlier this year –Read… Read more »

Collaborative transformation: 2 visionary cities lead the way

When we rolled out our global CityNext initiative in July, we named a handful of showcase cities, from Auckland to Zhengzhou, that have a running start on their journey toward modernization and optimization. In visiting many of these cities, I’ve gotten to see firsthand the tremendous potential they’re unleashing by putting data and technology toRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

During what is supposed to be the weakest month of the year historically, stocks had another great week adding to some impressive gains for the month of September. Some were calling it a relief rally after the threat of a strike on Syria subsided, and if that is the case, it may be an overreaction.Read… Read more »

Epic software/ Healthcare IT position Inquiry

Does anyone have contact names of federal employees with information on jobs for Epic consultants or Healthcare IT Specialists? A colleague informed me that the DOD utilizes this EMR/EHR software program. I posted a question during the summit and was recommended to post on the blog. Thank you.