Yearly Archives: 2013

Tech Tip: Installing and Using the LinkedIn Bookmarklet

One of the most powerful features of LinkedIn is the ability to share online resources via status updates, in groups, and/or with individual contacts. Doing so allows professionals to open a dialogue about the topic being shared and learn from others in their fields. The LinkedIn bookmarklet is a great tool to facilitate this sharing;Read… Read more »

Keeping up with our clients

Our clients do some jolly interesting things online. Of course, I would say that, but they really do: everything from podcasting about alternatives to Trident to fighting dodgy landlords, arguing for involving the public in deciding how to deal with Syria to arguing the case for reorganising A&E departments. Like a lot of digital agencies,Read… Read more »

Ask For What You Want

“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.” – George Bernard Shaw If you want to be promoted, you have to ask for it. But before you do, build a case for it andRead… Read more »

Remembering 9/11 – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Cracking the digital divide is no easy task. The barriers for success are high. But a team from the University of Wisconsin was able to make major inroads by using social media to educate and inform community organizers. Click here for the recap. But up front: Two significant stories today. First,Read… Read more »

Is the key to bridging the digital divide social media?

Cracking the digital divide is no easy task. The barriers for success are high. But a team from the University of Wisconsin was able to make major inroads by using social media to educate and inform community organizers. Jennifer Smith is the communication officer for the University of Wisconsin Extension Center for Community Tech Solutions.Read… Read more »

Are You Part of the Data Elite?

In today’s digital world, everything we do creates data. We are creating data from our shopping behaviors, driving patterns and from the food we eat. It seems as though we are all on a quest for ultimate efficiency through data analysis. This trend has led to a class known as the data-elite. As technology quicklyRead… Read more »

Remembering 9/11 and how it changed gov – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Cracking the digital divide is no easy task. The barriers for success are high. But a team from the University of Wisconsin was able to make major inroads by using social media to educate and inform community organizers. Click here for the recap. But up front: Two significant stories today. First,Read… Read more »

What Will Your “I Will” Pledge Be Today?

Driving to work today, I was listening to a popular talk radio station that led discussions focused on September 11. Likely so, as today marks the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that changed our nation. Specific conversations on this radio show centered on effective methods to weaken terrorist groups, potential new attacks using biologicalRead… Read more »

Age Is Just A Number

When is the right time to make a scientific discovery? Maybe after your education is out of the way? Whew, now I don’t have to learn any more! It turns out that education isn’t so much about learning facts as about learning how to add to and make use of your knowledge. Education becomes aRead… Read more »