Yearly Archives: 2013

Group Decision Tip: Right to be wrong

In principle, in relations among equals, people have a right to be wrong. Often it is only by being wrong for a while – trying on an opinion that doesn’t fit — that one comes to realize what is truly right. Without the freedom to be wrong one is often in tension, discontent with theRead… Read more »

Good Read: Inside the Box

Originally posted on #GovLife. Innovation. Creativity. These are words that we’re seeing more and more around the public service these days as a result of Blueprint 2020. And yet, I know there are people who feel the exact opposite about it. I don’t want to get into this too much, but Jessica Olien’s Inside theRead… Read more »

Good Read: The one thing that truly motivates creative talent – and how to foster it

Originally posted on #GovLife I read a lot of articles about creativity because I think it’s important (and interesting) – particularly for the public service. As public servants, we’re not mandated to be mundane, so why do we just let it happen? But I digress. Deborah Morrison’s The one thing that truly motivates creative talentRead… Read more »

Good Read: 10 Reasons Your Top Talent Will Leave You

Originally posted on #GovLife. The public service is a huge organization with people leaving every day. But with austerity measures in place, I’ve seen and heard about staggering numbers of young, incredibly talented, and smart people leaving. This worries me. What does the public sector of the future look like without these talented folks? Yes,Read… Read more »

Strengthening the civic design community

Last night more than 40 people gathered at the Code for America office to kick off planning for a one or two day Civic Design Camp in March (date and location to be announced soon!) and to start building the strength and reach of our subcommunity of civic hackers. City employees from both San FranciscoRead… Read more »

Dana Oshiro: Why I’m Coding for America

Several months ago I left my position of three years in pursuit of new challenges. In the past I’ve worked in tech journalism, publishing, public affairs, environmental health, and anti-poverty advocacy. Each of these positions have been wonderful learning experiences and each have made me who I am as a marketer. I joined Code forRead… Read more »

Government Crowdstorming with the Public

What ever you call it, crowdstorming, ideation, or online idea generation, it’s my observation that this technique is the second most often used online method for governments to engage the public, after social media (like Facebook and Twitter). Government hosted crowdstorming is usually focused on generating ideas, and sorting them by public preference via votes.Read… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE # 28 Create a Vision/Dream Board

Recognizing many of us tend to make New Year Resolutions only for them to fall by the wayside, today, and for the next few upcoming Rules and Tools I’ll share with you tools you can use to increase your success . If you’ve been following LDI’s Rules and Tools for Success for any period ofRead… Read more »