Yearly Archives: 2013

Help for Furloughed Feds and How You Can Get Involved

An Interview with Robyn Kehoe, Director of Field Operations Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund (FEEA) As a result of widespread furloughs in the federal government, you or someone you know may be facing a financial rough patch right now. That’s why the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA) was created – to helpRead… Read more »

How to build the leadership bench

Nearly two-thirds of the Senior Executive Service will be eligible for retirement in the next five years. Those retirements will leaving a huge leadership gap for agencies. McKinsey and the Partnership for Public Service have teamed up to look at the SES problem. They’ve published their findings in a new report, Building the Leadership Bench.Read… Read more »

Notes from the field: BetaNYC’s PLUTO Hacknights

For the past month, New York’s civic hackers visited PLUTO. We are not talking about the “formerly” ninth planet, we are talking one of the most important datasets any city could provide as open data — tax lot and zoning data compiled into one massive map. In New York City, this data is known asRead… Read more »

Structure in Threes –Research: Architecture and Modeling

Started going through my “paper” verses electronic archive (Plan on eventually scanning my paper archive one of these days) for materials around Architecture and Modeling. Came across emails between John Zachman, Gil Laware, Jim McGee, John Sowa, Jerry Weinberg and other brilliant minds at IBM that would give me the time of day to discussRead… Read more »

Register for NCDD’s next Tech Tuesday event — on Zilino

Our second “Tech Tuesday” event will take place on September 17th from 4pm-5pm Eastern (1pm-2pm Pacific). We’ll be taking a look at Zilino, a web-based solution that enables practitioners to host deliberative online forums and other types of well structured, well facilitated engagement processes. The webinar will be hosted by Tim Bonnemann, founder and CEORead… Read more »

EPA & Social Media: What We’re Using, What We’re Thinking About

EPA leapt into the social media world in July 2007 with our first blog post. Ever since, we’ve been working to expand our options. That’s been greatly helped by the terms of service that GSA has negotiated on behalf of all federal agencies (most agreements contain clauses we can’t accept as federal agencies for variousRead… Read more »