Yearly Archives: 2013

Government – The Ultimate Experiment in Open Source?

GitHub is the world’s largest social coding service. “Think of GitHub as Facebok but instead of sharing pictures of your kids or what you had for lunch, you share software code,” said Ben Balter. Balter is the Government Evangelist for GitHub. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that GitHub at its most basicRead… Read more »

Not Your Grandfather’s GSA

This article was written after Dan Chenok, John Kamensky, and I visited GSA’s renovated building at 1800 F Street. The headquarters of the General Services Administration was built in 1918; shaped like an ‘E’ with its spine on F Street, the one-block building has recently undergone a massive renovation that has pulled the physical spaceRead… Read more »

Energy Dept, New Jersey Team to Build Disaster-Proof Transit Microgrid

The U.S. Energy Department is collaborating with the state of New Jersey to build an electrical microgrid intended to power state’s transit system in the event of natural disasters, Reuters reported Monday. Selam Gebrekidan writes DOE’s Sandia National Laboratories will design a power grid with generating capacity of more than 50 megawatts. Energy Secretary ErnestRead… Read more »

You Do Not Need an Expensive SEO Consultant

SEO Consultant. $2k a month minimum. This advertisement popped up on top of my Gmail. I saw this and thought: I am in the wrong line of work. Apparently, search engine optimization is so much in demand that you don’t need to state your qualifications or the benefits of your service – you just tellRead… Read more »

The High-Tech Revolving Door

“The Revolving Door” usually refers to politicians and other lawmakers moving back and forth between Capitol Hill and the corporations that Capitol Hill works with and regulates. However, according to “The Pentagon as Silicon Valley’s Incubator” by Somini Sengupta in The New York Times, there might be an emerging revolving door when it comes toRead… Read more »

Structure in Threes –Modern IT Portfolio Management: Research

Spent today on a variety of tasks; home and career. Finished pressure washing back porch, put final coat on souvenir cup rack I built on Sunday, and started brainstorming how I could apply Candlestick Charting to managing Business and IT Portfolios. I reason that if you can follow trends in the market, a similar setRead… Read more »

Get out the bugle horn! – Learn how to get your message out

Having the perfect message is only half the equation for good communication strategy. The other part is making sure your message gets to the right people. The impact of your communications depends on how many people you’re reaching. It would be like creating the perfect wedding invitation and sending it to the wrong people. LogicallyRead… Read more »

Fed travel down by 17% – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Getting the right person in the right job is a monumental task for HR professionals in government. And in these tight economic times getting the hiring right on the first try is imperative. So how do you hire effectively quickly? 10 tips to do it effectively. The SEVEN stories that impactRead… Read more »

How to hire – 10 tips to hire right

Getting the right person in the right job is a monumental task for HR professionals in government. And in these tight economic times getting the hiring right on the first try is imperative. So how do you hire effectively quickly? Tim McManus is the Vice President for Education and Outreach at the Partnership for PublicRead… Read more »