Yearly Archives: 2013

FERS Annuity Supplement Eligibility and Earnings Limitations + Annuity Projection Update

Many FERS annuitants that retire before age 62 are eligible for an annuity supplement that will end when they reach age 62. You may be eligible for a Special Retirement Supplement if you retire: After the Minimum Retirement Age (MRA) with 30 years of service; At age 60 with 20 years of service; or UponRead… Read more »

Moving Day#2 and my test bed Data Center: Part2

Taking a break from moving Dana’s office. Got her desk & printer stand in place, computer, phone and printers setup and working. Wireless connection fine, will have to troubleshoot hardline later. Filing Cabinets & corkboards next. Move going much faster than I expected. Guess I’m getting use to moving offices of late. Relaxing my backRead… Read more »

Ten Principles of Sound Public Policy

A VC in NY‘s Fred Wilson wondered how many of his readers had blogs. He set up a poll and a hackpad to put in blog, url and author, comma delimited There are hundreds listed. I put in my two. Browsing the list, I punched on Punctuated Equilibrium and got this. Couldn’t think of aRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

After a one-week pullback and some early weakness this past week, U.S. stocks ended the week with modest gains. The Fed meeting minutes were released on Wednesday afternoon and investors went scurrying, but they came back aggressively on Thursday and Friday to salvage a positive week. Here are the up-to-date weekly, current month, and annualRead… Read more »

Unconference Session to be held at 2013 APWA Congress

This year when the APWA Congress opens up in Chicago the week of August 25th, there will be a new type of session offered to attendees called a Public Works Camp. This event is held in an unconference style where the “presenters” serve more as hosts and the “attendees” create and drive the session. BecauseRead… Read more »

It is Time to Take the GSA Schedules to the Next Level

On August 22, 2013, GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) posted a blog entitled “OASIS: What You Need to Know About GSA’s Plan to Reduce Contract Duplication.” The blog correctly notes that OASIS can play a positive role in reducing contract duplication by delivering best value, cost effective service solutions for customer agencies. At the sameRead… Read more »

Three Chords and the Truth

Sunday, I was watching Justine win the Wyndham Championship in Greensboro, flipped the channel and caught the 2000 E Street Band Reunion Tour Concert, Madison Square Garden, on VH1. There they were, Clarence, Bruce, Max, Nils, Steve, Patti, Garry, and Danny Glock living the dream, the home crowd carrying them through Badlands, sending the chorusRead… Read more »

Tips for empowering customer service employees

Customer service is a core function of government, yet 60 percent of government executives describe citizens’ attitudes toward government as “frustrated,” according to a recent Government Business Council survey. One way to improve the reputation of your organization is to empower frontline employees so they can provide better customer service. Excellent customer service is aRead… Read more »

DoD, VA Pool $107M Into Brain Injury-PTSD Research Efforts

The departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs have jointly invested $107 million for medical research efforts focused on treating mild traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder. Research organizations will work to develop new ways for diagnosing and treating the conditions under the five-year initiative, the VA said Aug. 10. Funding will back studies underRead… Read more »

Preventing Agro-Terrorism with Collaboration – Plus your weekend reads

Foot-and-mouth disease is an infectious and sometimes fatal viral disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals, including domestic and wild bovids. The virus causes a high fever for two or three days, followed by blisters inside the mouth and on the feet that may rupture and cause lameness. Although the disease is not contagious to humans, itRead… Read more »