Yearly Archives: 2013

EPA cancels last furlough day – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: These days libraries aren’t just repositories for thousands of books, they have adapted with the times. We take a look at the re-imagined library with ICMA’s Ron Carlee. The SEVEN stories that impact your life: The EPA has canceled the final, mandatory furlough day for its employees, which was previously scheduledRead… Read more »

Essential Elements of a Government Social Media Policy

Government Social Media Policy Part 1: The Public Notice There are two major elements of an external-facing government social media policy. That is to say, a policy that is applicable to the public. The elements include: The section detailing the moderation of third party content, and A notice regarding applicable public records law. Moderation ofRead… Read more »

The OODA Loop and Organizational Learning

This article Fast Transients is near and dear to me as an Air Force employee. Anyone who runs even minimally in Air Force circles knows that fighter pilots (currently) run the Air Force. So, a good rule of thumb when briefing them is to phrase non-military concepts in terms they can understand. One such exampleRead… Read more »

Our Push to Best Customer Service

I often hear about different tactics to improve customer service, some are good ideas and some not as good. This isn’t to say every idea isn’t worth exploring but rather, successful customer service comes from one core thought: Customer service starts with understanding the customer. So we asked, and we listened carefully. We understand thatRead… Read more »

Designing Smart Open Cities

There is much discussion about cities becoming smarter, but becoming smarter is only part of what we should be aiming to achieve. Cities need to change in many ways to accommodate the influx of people during the 21st century. A Transportation Command Center (source: Highways Agency, flickr) Fortunately there’s a revolution occurring in how ourRead… Read more »

IJIS Institute Develops First Standards-based “Proof of Concept” for Montana’s Victim Notification Service

For Immediate Release IJIS Institute Develops First Standards-based “Proof of Concept” for Montana’s Victim Notification Service Montana’s Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) standard enhances information sharing capabilities among criminal justice agencies and Victim Notification Systems Ashburn, VA, (August 22, 2013). The IJIS Institute—a nonprofit organization that focuses on mission-critical information sharing for justice,Read… Read more »

Libraries Re-Imagined – Not just books

These days libraries aren’t just repositories for thousands of books, they have adapted with the times. “Local government was the sector hit hardest by the recession, because they depend heavily on property taxes. Librarians are adapting to what is a new fiscal reality. One of the areas that libraries have been very aggressive in, isRead… Read more »

New Public Agenda Paper on Clickers in Deliberation

Here in the 21st Century, technology is continuously shaping and reshaping the way that we engage with each other and how we govern ourselves. But striking the right balance between using technology to improve our engagement and letting it get in the way can be difficult. That’s why we wanted to share the article belowRead… Read more »

“Social Media” is SO 2009! 7 Proposed Digital Terminology Upgrades

At the risk of inspiring unresolvable semantic discussions, this post offers seven examples of digital terminology that should probably be replaced and/or removed from the lexicon and suggests both existing and new alternative terminology to use instead. It also includes some of the dialogue that followed its original publication on the former blog. What otherRead… Read more »

We’re Thinking About Open, Civic Data Standards

#cfabrigade hive mind: Cambridge (MA) Oak., South Bend, San Diego govs pursuing #opendata pol/leg + Bikeshare cities pondering data standrds — Kevin Curry (@kmcurry) August 9, 2013 Open data standards are the talk of the civic hacking nation and this has me excited. It’s feels like a resurgence. I think a lot of folks areRead… Read more »